Fig. 3.
Aβ species in transgenic C. elegans. (A) Representative dot blot of Aβ1–40(11A50-B10) and total Aβ (4G8) in WT and A2V transgenic worms. Equal amounts of proteins from worm lysates (5 μg) were spotted in triplicate. Nematodes injected with the empty vector (Vector) were used as control strain. Aβ1–40 synthetic peptide (2 μg) was spotted as an internal control. Total proteins on the blotted membranes were stained using a 0.1% Red Ponceau solution and were used as housekeeping control. The mean volume of the Aβ-reactive and Red Ponceau spots was analyzed using Progenesis SameSpots software (Nonlinear Dynamics, UK). Immunoreactivity of (B) 11A50-B10 and (C) 4G8 from three independent experiments (N = 9) were expressed as the mean of the volume of the immunoreactive band / volume of total Ponceau proteins ± SD.