Figure 8.
Statistical analysis of place fields generated from from-border and towards-border trajectory segments. Histograms of the differences between from-border and towards-border labeled trajectory segments during light and darkness (upper row). Note that differences between firing activity maps are measured as the cosine of the angle between two firing maps, and thus lower values indicate a larger difference between maps. The lower row shows the histogram of the same difference value being based on a large set of semi-randomly generated surrogate data instead of the original experimental recordings. The surrogate data was used to find the threshold value (dashed red line in all plots) determining an actual significant difference between two from-border/towards-border activity maps. The lower right plot shows this surrogate data in a higher resolution, while the lower left depicts the same data in the resolution as the histograms of the original data above– where it can be seen that 13 of 51 (25%) cells feature a significant different in their from-border/towards-border firing behavior in darkness, while the same effect seems to be restricted to mere outliers during the lights on condition.