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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jun 24.
Published in final edited form as: J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng. 2013;48(14):1757–1763. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2013.823323

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Rural Population Included in Analyses by Low/Medium/High Nitrate-Nitrogen Levelsa in the Beaver Dam Eye Study

Nitrate-Nitrogen Levels

Characteristic Crude % Crude % P valueb Crude % P valueb

Age, years
   43–54 51.51 41.11 0.07 35.37 0.01
   55–64 27.42 36.93 34.15
   65–74 17.06 16.03 24.39
   ≥75 4.01 5.92 6.10
Cancer self-report
   No 90.64 91.99 0.44 89.02 0.98
   Yes 9.36 8.01 10.98
History of CVDc
   No 90.20 89.32 0.93 87.50 0.81
   Yes 9.80 10.68 12.50
History of diabetesd
   No 94.61 94.06 0.88 90.12 0.27
   Yes 5.39 5.94 9.88
Comorbidities of cancer/CVD/diabetes
   No 76.43 74.47 0.85 69.23 0.47
   Yes 23.57 25.53 30.77
Sunlight exposuree
   <1.01 WISY 75.76 78.6 0.38 82.93 0.24
   ≥1.01 WISY 24.24 21.4 17.07
Ever heavy drinker (≥ 28 drinks/week)
   No 86.91 81.82 0.06 75.61 0.002
   Yes 13.09 18.18 24.39
   No 62.54 57.14 0.35 52.44 0.42
   Yes 37.46 42.86 47.56
Education status
   Not a high school graduate 21.74 21.25 0.43 37.80 <.001
   High school graduate or GED 44.15 51.57 52.44
   Some college but not including baccalaureate degree 19.40 15.33 6.10
   Baccalaureate degree or beyond 14.72 11.85 3.66
   Women 49.50 50.87 0.72 57.32 0.18
   Men 50.50 49.13 42.68
Smoking statusg
   Never 51.51 45.30 0.09 40.24 0.003
   Past 32.11 36.24 31.71
   Current 16.39 18.47 28.05

Abbreviations: CVD, cardiovascular disease; GED, general education diploma; WISY, Wisconsin sun years.


Low (0–4 ppm), medium (5–9 ppm), and high (≥10 ppm).


Compared to low nitrate group; age adjusted for sex, sex adjusted for age, all others adjusted for age and sex.


Angina, myocardial infarction, or stroke.


Self report confirmed with treatment, elevated glucose or elevated glycosylated hemoglobin.14,15


Estimated from residential history permitting calculation of WISY at the baseline examination.13


Blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg or on antihypertensive medication.


Never smoker: <100 cigarettes in his/her lifetime; Past smoker: ≥100 cigarettes in his/her lifetime but not currently smoking; Current smoker: ≥100 cigarettes in lifetime and currently smoking.