Figure 1.
Effect of vesicle aqueous contents efflux induced by sphingosine on electrically neutral and negatively charged LUV. (A) Time course of 15 mol % sphingosine-induced vesicle leakage. Vesicle composition was SM/PE/Ch (2:1:1) with (black trace) or without (gray trace) 5 mol % PA. (B) Extent of leakage under steady-state conditions. () SM/PE/Ch (2:1:1) (▪) SM/PE/Ch (2:1:1) + 5 mol % PA. (C) Time course of leakage. Early stages of sphingosine-induced efflux of vesicular contents. Vesicle efflux induced by 15 mol % sphingosine. (D) Rate constants of vesicle efflux kinetics induced by increasing sphingosine concentrations. The PA line was fitted to a monoexponential curve (r2 = 0.984). Inset: rates in the absence of PA, Y-axis expanded.