Figure 4.
pHo dependence of IH without Na+o and K+o in Xenopus oocytes. (A) Continuous recording from an oocyte expressing RD-α1β3 held at −50 mV. Maximum IP was measured at 3 mM K+o without Na+o at pHo 7.6. pHo was then lowered, inducing an inward holding current that was inhibited by subsequent application of ouabain. After an 8-min ouabain washout with 120 mM Na+ (to maintain internal Na loading), the maneuver was repeated again, first applying K+, then lowering pHo, then adding ouabain. Note that IP is the same in each K+ application, indicating that all Na/K pumps recovered from inhibition before testing a different pHo. Ramp-shaped vertical deflections are 100-ms-long pulses to different voltages. The current at the end of those pulses was used to obtain I/V curves. (B) Ouabain-sensitive current (normalized to IH at −160 mV, pH 7.6, before lowering pHo) as a function of voltage. The data points are an average of eight oocytes where at least four different pHo values were tested. The currents at pH 5.6 and 5.0 were measured at the peak of the activation response, before significant inhibition had occurred. (C) pH dependence from the curves in B at the indicated voltages. The solid lines are global fits of Michaelis-Menten equations to the data from individual cells with K0.5 (in μM) ± fitting errors of 0.20 ± 0.04 (−180 mV, black), 0.34 ± 0.10 (−140 mV, red), 0.79 ± 0.23 (−100 mV, blue), and 1.36 ± 0.39 (−60 mV, green). The K0.5-versus-voltage curve is plotted in the inset; the red line is a fit of the equation K0.5= K00.5exp (λF/RT) + C to the data, with parameters K00.5 = 4.4 μM, λ = 0.51, and C = 0.07. R is the gas constant, F the Faraday constant, and T the temperature.