Fig. 2.
A gene conferring resistance to D-cycloserine was captured for which sequence was unable to predict resistance function. (A) Resistance-conferring fragment AB95_CY_48 compared to its closest hit from the NCBI nucleotide collection. ORFs of the same color indicate homologous sequence; both nucleotide and amino acid identities are given in shaded regions (nuc/a.a.). Base-pair coordinates flank sequences and each tick mark represents 300bp. (B) Measurements of absorbance at 600nm, taken every 15 minutes, depict growth of E. coli, containing either AB95_CY_48.2 or an empty vector, at clinically-relevant concentrations of D-cycloserine. Measurements are corrected for background absorbance from media-only controls, and are averages of three trials (19).