Fig. 5.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra, measured by attenuated total reflection through a Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) crystal, normalized by maximum and minimum absorbance. C=C stretch was measured at 1675—1600 cm−1 and S—H stretch at 2550–2600 cm−1. (A) ETTMP. There is an S—H stretch but no C=C stretch. (B) PEG-400-DA. No S—H stretch is present but two peaks in the C=C stretch region are visible. (C) Hydrogel, cured and lyophilized. Following reaction of ETTMP and PEG-400-DA in PBS, both S—H stretch and C=C stretch have disappeared from the lyophilized network. (D) Hydrogel, equilibrated for 48 h and lyophilized. Spectrum displays same characteristics as the cured samples.