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. 2013 Jun;17(2):75–93. doi: 10.1177/1084713813495459

Table 3.

Hearing Research Including a TRT Test.

Study TRT version & test material Speech recognition tests Other tests and measures Association TRT—speech recognition Findings related to TRT
Besser et al. (2012) N = 55; 18-78 (44.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL, TRT500, TRTCENTER, TRTWORD, TRTMEMORY SRTSTEADY, SRTFLUCT Rspan; LDST (general processing speed); self-report of how pleasant/taxing the TRT versions were TRT – SRTFLUCT (r = .46** – .59**); TRT – SRTSTEADY (r = .23 – .49**); strength depending on TRT version, most sign. when controlling for age Other tests and measures ranging from 56.0 (TRTORIGINAL) to 64.3 (TRTMEMORY); TRT predictor of SRTFLUCT; TRT associated with Rspan, mostly also when controlling for age
Besser et al. (currrent article )N = 42; 19-35 (24.4) years; NH TRT500 SRTFLUCT Rspan; Lspan ns, no details reported TRT M = 58.2; TRT and Lspan associated (Session 2)
George et al. (2007) N = 13; 53-78 (63.5) years; NH N = 21; 46-81 (65.5) years; HI TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY, SRTFLUCT (16-Hz block-modulated); unaided testing with amplification; sentences: Plomp and Mimpen (1979) auditory spectral and temporal resolution NH: TRT – SRTSTEADY (r = .61*), TRT – SRTFLUCT (r = .80**); HI: TRT – SRTSTEADY (r = .34), TRT – SRTFLUCT (r = .42) TRT M = 58.2 (NH), M = 58.8 (HI); TRT best predictor of SRTs in NH; in HI, TRT predictor of SRTFLUCT when accounting for temporal resolution
Goverts, Huysmans, Kramer, de Groot, and Houtgast (2011)a N = 13; 20-25 (22.0) years; NH, native N = 10; 19-45 (29.0) years; NH, nonnative TRTORIGINAL sentences with/without lexical, semantic, and syntactic distortions SRTSTEADY not reported undistorted TRT Median = 56.2 (native), Median = 65.2 (nonnative); both groups sensitive to TRT distortions in all linguistic domains
Koelewijn et al. (2012) N = 32; 40-70 (51.3) years; NH TRT500 SRTFLUCT, SRTTALK; 50% and 84% correct level Rspan; Lspan; SICspan; pupillometry during SRTs; ratings of effort, motivation, performance for SRTs TRT – SRTTALK 50% correct (r = .67**), 84% correct (r = .54**); TRT – SRTFLUCT 50% correct (r = .19), 84% correct (r = .25) TRT M = 59.8; TRT associated with peak pupil dilation during SRTTALK (50% correct); TRT associated with Rspan, Lspan, SICspan
Krull, Humes, and Kidd. (2013) N = 25; 18-32 (24.0) years; NH N = 20; 65-84 (73.0) years; NH N = 21; 60-85 (75.0) years; HI TRTORIGINAL stimuli: 4-5-letter words from the R-SPIN test; Bilger, Nuetzel, Rabinowitz, and Rzeczkowski (1984) steady-state noise (SSN) at +6 dB SNR; removal of temporal segments (INT); removal of spectral segments (FILT); unaided testing with amplification for HI; all with monosyllabic words from R-SPIN test text recognition in visual Gaussian noise; cognitive tests for WM capacity (elderly only): memory updating (MU), sentence span, spatial short-term memory TRT – SSN old (r = .08), young (r = .40*); TRT – INT old (r = .11), young (r = .55**); TRT – FILT old (r = .21), young (r = .49*) TRT associated with all auditory measures in young NH group, but with none in older groups; TRT associated with text recognition in Gaussian noise
Mishra, Lunner, Stenfelt, Rönnberg, and Rudner (2013)b N = 21; 22-54 (29.5) years; NH TRTORIGINAL stimuli: Swedish HINT sentences (Hällgren et al., 2006) CSCT (cognitive spare capacity test, for executive functions); Rspan; letter memory test; Simon task no SRT assessed TRT M = 58.4; TRT associated with updating, audiovisual, and overall score of CSCT; TRT associated with semantic judgments in Rspan
Zekveld et al. (2007) N = 34; 19-78 (34.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY, SRTFLUCT (16-Hz block-modulated) TRT – SRTSTEADY (r = .58**); TRT – SRTFLUCT (r = .58**); also when controlling for age TRT M = 55.4
Zekveld, Kramer, Vlaming, and Houtgast (2008)c N = 18; 19-31 (23) years; NH TRTORIGINAL and text in random dots with (TRT+S) and without (TRT) auditory sentence presentation at 3 SNRs; sentences: Plomp and Mimpen (1979) SRTSTEADY with (SRT+T) and without (SRT) display of masked target sentence at 3 masking levels Audiovisual reception threshold test (AVRT): simultaneous presentation of text and speech, adaptive masking in both modalities not reported TRT M = 53.6; simultaneous presentation of masked text enhanced speech perception and vice versa
Zekveld, Kramer, Kessens, Vlaming, and Houtgast (2009) N = 22; 18-28 (21) years; YNH N = 22; 45-65 (55) years; MA-NH N = 30; 46-69 (57) years; MA-HI TRTORIGINAL sentences: Plomp and Mimpen (1979) SRTQUIET, SRTSTEADY with and without textual support; aided testing for MA-HI rating of effort during SRT tests; spatial WM span (SSP) not reported TRT M = 56.6 (YNH), M = 57.5 (MA-NH), M = 59.5 (MA-HI); TRT not associated with rated effort or SRT benefit from textual support
Zekveld, Kramer, and Festen (2011) N = 38; 46-73 (55.0) years; NH N = 36; 45-72 (61.0) years; HI Data from Zekveld, Kramer, and Festen (2010) added for analyses: N = 38; 19-31 (23.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL,TRT500; sentences: Plomp and Mimpen (1979) SRTSTEADY; 50%, 71%, 84% correct level; unaided testing pupillometry during SRTs; LDST (general processing speed); vocabulary size; self-rated listening effort and SRT performance NH: SRTSTEADY –TRTORIGINAL (r = .38**), TRT500 (r = .35*); HI: SRTSTEADY – TRTORIGINAL (r = –.07), TRT500 (r = –.06); for NH also sign. when controlling for age TRTORIGINAL M = 57.1 (NH), M = 58.2 (HI); TRT500 M = 58.4 (NH), M = 60.6 (HI); better TRT associated with higher cognitive load during SRT; in NH, lower TRT associated with higher age
Zekveld, Rudner, et al. (2011), Experiment 2 N = 20; 18-32 (22.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY with semantically related, unrelated, or nonword text cues; 29% and 16% correct level Rspan TRT – SRTSTEADY at 29% correct with unrelated cues (r = .60**); details for others not reported TRT M = 54.9
Zekveld et al. (2012) N = 18; 20-29 (23.6) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY (29% correct level); SRTSTEADY nonadaptive with semantically related, unrelated, or nonword text cues, at estimated 29% correct level Rspan, fMRI during SRTs TRT not associated (p > .05) with % correct words in SRTSTEADY TRT M = 54.9; TRT associated with less interference from unrelated cues; TRT associated with brain activation in left angular gyrus
Zekveld, Festen, et al. (2013) N = 24; 18-27 (22.0) years; NH TRTCENTER with adapted colors; 29%, 71% correct level, for analyses average of 29% and 71% used SRTTALK 29% and 71% correct level pupillometry during SRT and TRT; Rspan; Lspan; incidental cued recall test of TRT and SRT stimuli ns, no details reported TRT at 29% M = 63.2, at 71% M = 80.8; pupil peak and mean dilation during TRT smaller at 71% than at 29% correct
Zekveld, George, Houtgast, and Kramer (in press) N = 32; 46-83 (66.4) years; HI TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY; SRTFLUCT (16-Hz block-modulated noise); unaided testing with amplification; sentences: Plomp and Mimpen (1979) Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability and Handicap (AIADH); sustained visual attention; Spatial working memory TRT – SRT, z score transformed over noise types (r = .47**) TRT M = 60.3; TRT associated with AIADH measures of sound detection, sound discrimination, and speech intelligibility
Zekveld, Rudner, et al. (2013) N = 18; 20-32 (23.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTSTEADY, SRTFLUCT, SRTTALK with semantically related or nonword cues; 29% and 71% correct level Rspan; SICspan; 2-alternative-forced-choice recognition of presented SRT sentences not reported TRT not associated with SRT benefit from related cues
Zekveld and Kramer (2013), Experiment 1 N = 24; 18-26 (22.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTTALK, nonadaptive (1%, 50%, 99% correct level), and speech in quiet (no threshold); sentences: Versfeld et al. (2000) Lspan; pupillometry during SRT; cued recall test of TRT and SRT stimuli; self-rated listening effort and SRT performance not reported TRT M = 57.8; TRT associated with peak pupil dilation amplitude in 1% correct nonadaptive SRT; TRT associated with Lspan
Zekveld and Kramer (2013), Experiment 2 N = 13; (23.0) years; NH TRTORIGINAL SRTTALK nonadaptive at 9 SNRs; adaptive SRTTALK at 29% and 71% correct level incidental cued recall test of previously presented SRT stimuli not reported TRT M = 54.7; no other TRT results reported

Note. If not otherwise specified, the following test properties applied: SRTs and TRTs were assessed for complete sentences at a performance level of 50% correct responses. TRTs assessed with sentences by Versfeld et al. (2000). SRTSTEADY = SRT in a steady-state masker; SRTFLUCT = SRT in a fluctuating masker; SRTTALK = SRT with one or several interfering talkers; SRTQUIET = speech reception without a masker; M = mean score; ns = nonsignificant. Associations marked * significant at the .05 level and marked ** significant at the .01 level.


Main purpose of the study was to examine the effects of language proficiency on TRT performance, rather than associations of TRT and SRT. bThe study was set up to evaluate the cognitive spare capacity test, rather than examining associations with speech recognition in noise. cMain purpose of the study was to examine the benefit in speech comprehension received from simultaneously displayed textual information.