A. Body weight (mean ± SEM) in four groups of mice throughout the experimental period: saline control (n=6), Nic-treated (n=6), ANG II-treated (n=6), and Nic + ANG II-treated (n=5). B. Left ventricular pressures obtained under anesthesia prior to euthanasia revealed a probable pressor effect of ANG II (p<0.05 for ANG II by 2-way ANOVA). Values overall were low due to the suboptimal methodology for collection, thus conclusions on a possible interaction with Nic are not feasible. C. The ratio of heart weight to body weight was calculated. Animals treated with ANG II alone and ANG II with Nic had a statistically significant increase in heart weight compared to controls when adjusted for body weight (*,** p<0.05, p<0.01, by 2-way ANOVA). No statistical interaction was noted for the combination treatment.