Color maps of λ‖, λ⊥, and restricted and hindered diffusion fractions are shown at the T13 level for the same representative mouse spinal cords as shown in Figure 2. Compared to the sham mouse, the EAE mouse showed moderately decreased λ‖ in the VLWM at the 1st remission. An observed increase in λ⊥ was detected in the representative spinal cord at this time point (arrows). At the 2nd remission, a further decrease in λ‖ and increase in λ⊥ are readily detected in the representative vehicle-treated mouse. Patchy lesions were seen at the periphery of the VLWM, marked by significantly decreased λ‖ and increased λ⊥ (arrows). A substantially increased fraction of restricted isotropic diffusion was overwhelmingly seen in the left VLWM. The fraction of hindered isotropic diffusion increased in the peripheral VLWM. With therapeutic LDK treatment, all DBSI parameters were improved compared to the vehicle-treated group. The λ‖, and restricted and hindered water ratios of LDK-treated mouse spinal cord were comparable to those of the sham control spinal cord, yet the λ⊥ was still elevated.