Figure 5. Expression and functional analysis of DKK3.
(A) Representative images of EGFP (green) expression in the brains of Dkk3-EGFP-Tg mice. An overview of the lateral ventricle area is shown. These Dkk3-EGFP–positive cells are largely positive for SOX2, partially positive for MASH1 (highlighted with white arrowheads), and negative for S100β and Tuj1. (B) Quantification of relative numbers of NSPs formed from total Dkk3-EGFP–positive and –negative cells SVZ cells. Detailed analysis of NSP formation is presented in Supplemental Figure 4E. Data are mean ± SD. (C) Representative images of Axin2-β-gal staining in young (2-month-old) and old (2-year-old) forebrains. Enlarged images are shown below. (D) Representative images for Axin2-β-gal activity in SVZs of 4-month-old WT and Wip1 KO mice. (E) Representative images for Axin2-β-gal activity in SVZs of 1-year-old WT and Wip1-Tg mice. (F) Representative images of Axin2-β-gal staining of cultured NPCs after 2 days treatment with vehicle, WNT3a, WNT3a plus DKK3, or WNT3a plus DKK1. Quantification of Axin2-β-gal–positive cells in different groups. Data are mean ± SEM. (G) Analysis of neuroblasts formation 2 days after differentiation of NPCs on coverslips in the presence of WNT3a or WNT3a and DKK3. Representative images of DCX staining (arrows indicate neuroblasts). Quantification of the effects of WNT3 and DKK3 on formation of DCX-positive neuroblasts. Data are mean ± SD. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.005. Scale bar: 100 μm (A, top left, and G); 20 μm (A, top right, middle, and bottom); 1 mm (C, top row); 50 μm (C, bottom row, and D–F).