Figure 6.
Abundance of glutamatergic mixed synapses in adult male Mosquitofish shown at low magnification, with selected synaptic contacts shown in higher magnification stereoscopic images. (A) The E-face of a dendrite having few spines (yellow arrows = cross-fractured necks of dendritic spines) is labeled extensively for Cx35 by 6-nm and 18-nm gold beads. All gap junctions are at axo-dendritic synapses (inscribed circles and inscribed square B mark 20 gap junctions in this field of view); distinctive clusters of 10-nm IMPs are weakly labeled for NMDAR1 (12- and 30-nm gold nanoparticles, yellow overlays; 46 PSDs in this field of view). Some cross-fractured axon terminals contain spherical synaptic vesicles. (B) High-magnification stereoscopic view of the inscribed square “B” in (A) shows two E-face gap junctions (red overlays) labeled for Cx35 (6-nm and 18-nm gold beads) and two postsynaptic clusters of E-face IMPs identified as glutamate receptors (yellow overlays) based on weak but positive labeling for NMDAR1 (12-nm gold bead, white arrow). Two 6-nm gold beads on top of the replica are circled to identify them as non-specific “noise”. (C) High-magnification stereoscopic view of two E-face gap junctions (red overlays) labeled for Cx35 (6-nm and 18-nm gold beads). Each gap junction has a postsynaptic cluster of IMPs (yellow overlay) immediately adjacent to it (i.e., within 50 nm). One IMP cluster is labeled for NMDAR1 (12-nm gold bead, white arrow). (D) High-magnification stereoscopic view of two E-face gap junctions (red overlays) labeled for Cx35 (6-nm and 18-nm gold beads); one postsynaptic cluster of IMPs (yellow overlays) is labeled for NMDAR1 (12-nm gold bead, white arrow). Unless otherwise indicated, calibration bars in all FRIL images are 0.25 µm, which corresponds to the limit of resolution of light microscopy in blue and green wavelengths.