Characterization of phagosome maturation in cpl-1 mutants. Representative images of cell corpse labeling by CED-1::GFP (A), GFP::moesin (B), GFP::RAB-5 (C), YFP::2xFYVE (D), GFP::RAB-7 (E), and LST-4::GFP (F). Cell corpses are indicated by arrows. Bars, 5 μm. (G) Quantification of the labeling of cell corpses by different phagosomal markers shown in A–F. We analyzed ≥100 cell corpses from ≥20 animals for each marker, and data were derived from three repeats. Comparisons were performed between N2 and cpl-1(yq89) mutants for each marker using an unpaired t test. All points have p > 0.05.