Organization profile
Managed by (Govt., Private, NGO), Entity (for profit; commercial/non-commercial, not for profit), Priority (health over telecom, telecom over health), Donors & Partners (banks, research organizations, media, telecom etc.)
Program overview
Project Status (Planned, ongoing, completed), Main Component (eHealth/mHealth), Medium (SMS/voice call/computer/other), Technological platform (software, hardware), Target Population (e.g. rural villagers, age groups etc.), Measure of Utilization (# of people registered, # of people using services)
Startup Cost, Operational Cost, Total Revenue
Human resource
Type and number of staff and training
Disease management (disease covered, mode of provision, provider, cost), Health awareness (topics covered, mode of provision, provider type, cost), Diagnostic/Imaging (tests covered, mode of provision, provider, cost)
MNE Framework
Indicators (input/process/output/outcome/impact), Project Evaluation (if done - main Findings and their uptake)
Sustainability plan
Strategy (plans created for Present undertakings, upcoming deals or work in progress arriving shortly, that drives the institution forward in the defined sector), Capacity (resources and infrastructure support required/available to sustain the strategy and future direction in the defined sector)
Future direction |
Major challenges (if no sustainability plan is evident, try to find out what were the major challenges that hampered sustainability) |