Extended Data Figure 3. Tiling path from confidently inferred Neandertal haplotypes.
a, Example tiling path at the BNC2 locus on chromosome 9 in Europeans. Red denotes confident Neandertal haplotypes. Blue denotes the resulting tiling path. We identified Neandertal haplotypes by scanning for runs of consecutive SNPs along a haplotype with a marginal probability > 90% and requiring the haplotypes to be at least 0.02 cM long. b, Distribution of contig lengths obtained by constructing a tiling path across confidently inferred Neandertal haplotypes. On merging Neandertal haplotypes in each of the 1000 Genomes European and East Asian populations, we reconstructed 4,437 Neandertal contigs with median length 129 kb.