Immunofluorescent staining and densitometric analysis of macrophage and neutrophil infiltration in the allografts treated with PMSCs and PBS controls on day 14. A, Representative images of immunofluorescent staining of the allograft 14 days after transplantation. Red color indicates positive-staining signals. Blue color indicates nuclei stained with DAPI. The magnification of all images is 20×. B, Bar graph of macrophage and neutrophil infiltration in the allografts treated with PMSCs and PBS on day 14. Data shown are the mean ± standard error of mean. n = 8. +PMSCs, Treated with PMSCs (1 × 106); +PBS, treated with 1× PBS as control; HPF, high-power field; PMSC, placenta-derived human mesenchymal stem cells; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.