Figure 2.
Low-dose oral HCQ resensitizes resistant breast tumors to antiestrogen therapy. A. LCC9 orthotopic tumors were grown to 25-35 mm2 before treated with TAM, ICI, HCQ, HCQ+ICI, or HCQ+TAM for 5 weeks. Tumors were measured weekly with calipers; % change in tumor area (A) and tumor area (B) was calculated. C. LCC9 tumor weight upon completion of study. MCF7-RR orthotopic tumors were untreated (control) or treated with TAM, HCQ, or HCQ+TAM for 5 weeks. Tumors were measured weekly with calipers and % change in tumor area (D) or tumor area growth curves (E) were calculated. F. Average wet weight of MCF7-RR upon sacrifice.