Kornicke, 1992
Kornicke, L. E. (1992). An exploratory study of individual difference variables in piano sight-reading achievement (Doctoral Dissertation, Indiana University, Ann Arbor, USA). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 9301458). |
Ericsson et al., 1993—Study II |
Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., and Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review 100, 363–406. |
Two studies reported; only data of study II was considered. |
Lehmann and Ericsson, 1996
Lehmann, A. C., and Ericsson, K. A. (1996). Performance without preparation: structure and acquisition of expert sight-reading and accompanying performance. Psychomusicology 15, 1–29. |
Krampe and Ericsson, 1996—Study I |
Krampe, R. T., and Ericsson, K. A. (1996). Maintaining excellence: deliberate practice and elite performance in young and older pianists. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 125, 331–359. |
Two studies reported; only data of study I was considered. |
Hallam, 1998
Hallam, S. (1998). The predictors of achievement and dropout in instrumental tuition. Psychology of Music 26, 116–132. |
Meinz, 2000
Meinz, E. J. (2000). Experience-based attenuation of age-related differences in music cognition tasks. Psychology and Aging 15, 297–312. |
Tuffiash, 2002
Tuffiash, M. (2002). Predicting individual differences in piano sight-reading skill: practice, performance, and instruction. Unpublished master's thesis, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. |
McPherson, 2005
McPherson, G. E. (2005). From child to musician: skill development during the beginning stages of learning an instrument. Psychology of Music 33, 5–35. |
Author contacted for data. |
Jabusch et al., 2007
Jabusch, H.-C., Yong, R., and Altenmüller, E. (22–23 Nov. 2007). Biographical predictors of music-related motor skills in children pianists. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Performance Science, Porto. |
Kopiez and Lee, 2008
Kopiez, R., and Lee, J. I. (2008). Towards a general model of skills involved in sight reading music. Music Education Research 10, 41–62. |
Jabusch et al., 2009
Jabusch, H. C., Alpers, H., Kopiez, R., Vauth, H., and Altenmüller, E. (2009). The influence of practice on the development of motor skills in pianists: a longitudinal study in a selected motor task. Human Movement Science 28, 74–84. |
Meinz and Hambrick, 2010
Meinz, E. J., and Hambrick, D. Z. (2010). Deliberate practice is necessary but not sufficient to explain individual differences in piano sight-reading skill: the role of working memory capacity. Psychological Science 21, 914–919. |
Kopiez et al., 2012—Study II |
Kopiez, R., Jabusch, H.-C., Galley, N., Homann, J.-C., Lehmann, A. C., and Altenmüller, E. (2012). No disadvantage for left-handed musicians: the relationship between handedness, perceived constraints and performance-related skills in string players and pianists. Psychology of Music 40, 357–384. |
Two studies reported; only data of study II was considered. |