Figure 1. VT ventilation increased mRNA for pro-inflammatory cytokines.
(A) IL-1β, (B) IL-6, (C) IL-8, (D) MCP-1 and (E) MCP-2 mRNA increased with mechanical ventilation (VT) (p<0.05 vs Controls and lambs receiving only CPAP). There were no additional effects of oxygen (O2)(Vertical Striped Bar) on the increased mRNA from mechanical ventilation with nitrogen (N2)(Grey bars). Animals receiving only CPAP of 5 cm H2O, with N2 (Black bars) or O2 (Dashed Bars) did not have increased cytokine mRNA. The mRNA was measured from cDNA using RT-PCR and reported as fold increase over the mean of controls. (F) Monocytes in BALF, reported as % of total cells, increased in lambs receiving mechanical ventilation (p<0.05 vs Controls and lambs receiving only CPAP).
white column, controls; black column, CPAP Nitrogen; gray column, VT Nitrogen; diagonal stripes, CPAP Oxygen; vertical stripes, VT Oxygen.