A, Effects of clenbuterol (CLB) treatment for 21 days on EDL maximal isometric tension. Left graph, P0: maximal isometric tetanic tension, in mN; Right graph, sP0 specific maximal isometric tetanic tension, in N/cm2. * p<0.05 compared to controls (CTR, untreated animals). B, Recordings show the decrease in tension resulting from the fatigue protocol in control EDL muscles (CTR) in which Tlim was almost 50 s and in clenbuterol treated EDL muscles (CLB) in which Tlim was about 34 s. Black dashed lines represent the maximal force and 50% of the initial force. The grey dashed line in the CLB panel represents 50% of the initial force of CTR for comparison. C, Mean ± SEM of the Tlim values/group (n = 15 for CTR; n = 22 for CLB). * p<0.05 compared to CTL.