(A–I) 8-month-old female Casp8fl/fl (control) and CreCD11cCasp8fl/fl mice (n≥10) were evaluated for systemic autoimmune disease phenotypes. (A–B) Splenomegaly. (A and C) Lymphadenopathy. (D) Number of splenocytes. (E) PAS-stained formalin-fixed kidney sections and αIgG-FITC-stained frozen kidney sections. (F) Kidney score. (G) Proteinuria. Serum levels of (H) chromatin, dsDNA- and ssDNA-reactive IgG antibodies, (I) pathogenic IgG2a antibodies and (J) cytokines and chemokines. Data are represented as mean ± SD and compared by Mann Whitney test: *, p<0.05; **, p<0.005; ***, p<0.0005. (K) Survival curve; compared using log-rank Mantel Cox test: **, p<0.005.