Western blot analysis of heat shock proteins. (A) Variation in the levels of anti-apoptotic HSPB1 and HSPA1A, in liver of fah+/+, fah−/− NTBC-treated and fah−/− NTBC-off mice. HSPC2/3, HSPA5, HSPA8 and HSPD1 were also tested as HSP family members. Data are representative of at least two different experiments with four biological replicates; (B) Histograms show quantitative representation of the level of HSPs proteins after normalization to levels of GAPDH and the fold-change protein level expression is reported in comparison to fah+/+ mice. Data are mean ± standard deviation for four samples. Significance of group differences was evaluated using ANOVA for multiple comparisons (*** p < 0.001 and **** p < 0.0001). Where statistical significance was not observed after densitometric analysis, graphics were not produced (i.e., HSPC2/3, HSPA5, HSPA8, HSPD1).