Figure 2.
Quantitative analyses of three cDNA fragments identified in RDA-cDNA experiment, representing fragments of three P.endiviifolia sp B genes: cysteine protease ( PenB_CYSP ), mysterious transcripts 2 and 3 ( PenB_MT2, PenB_MT3 ). (A) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and (B) qPCR analysis using RNA isolated from the female (lane 1 and light bars, respectively) and the male (lane 2 and dark bars, respectively) thalli producing sex organs. The results of PCR reaction without template are shown in lane 3. The 100 bp ladder is on the right of the gels. All transcript levels were normalized against ACTIN1. Calculation shows the mean ± SD from three technical replicates. PenB_TUA1 gene encoding α-tubulin was used as a control of male specifically expressed gene.