Phylogenetic tree of partial polymerase (A) and hexon (B) deduced amino acid sequences. Neighbor-Joining phylogenetic trees were constructed with bootstrap test of 1000 replicates, showing percentages next to the branches (values below 50 are not shown). The representative strains from GenBank: HAdV-3, DQ086466; HAdV-4, AY487947; HAdV-5, AC_000008; HAdV-12, X73487; HAdV-40, L19443; HAdV-54, AB333801; SAdV-1, AY771780; SAdV-3, AY598782; TSAdV-1, AC_000190; BAdV-1, NC_006324; BAdV-2, AC_000001; BAdV-3, AC_000002; BAdV-4, AF036092; PAdV-3, AF083132; PAdV-5, AF289262; PAdV-WI, JF699045; BtAdV-3, GU226970; BtAdV-2, JN252129; CAdV-1, AC_000003; CAdV-2, AC_000020; RAdV-1, EU715130; FAdV-1, AC_000014. HAdV—human adenovirus, SAdV—simian adenovirus, TSAdV—tree shrew adenovirus, BAdV—bovine adenovirus, PAdV—porcine adenovirus, BtAdV—bat adenovirus, CAdV—canine adenovirus, RAdV—raptor adenovirus, FAdV—fowl adenovirus.