Hematoxylin and eosin-stained (H&E) (400x) and immunohistochemistry of lung tissue (400x). Lungs from each group were processed for histological evaluation at 24 h after LPS challenge: Section of control (a) and RJFs (b) groups mice: normal lung tissue sections (H&E and complement). Section of a LPS-induced ALI model (c) group mouse: note increased alveolar wall thickness, inflammatory cells aggregation, pulmonary hemorrhage (H&E), and a patchy dense immunoperoxidase indicative of complement deposition marked with red arrows (complement). Section from 6.4, 12.8, and 25.6 mg/kg RJFs-pretreated ((d), (e), and (f), resp.) and DXM-treated (g) groups mouse: note mild alveolar wall thickness, reduced inflammatory cells aggregation, little pulmonary hemorrhage (H&E), and little complement deposition marked with red arrows (complement).