Figure 2.
Estimated probability of cardiac arrest, limitation in life support, and ICU discharge, by patient age. Estimated probability of cardiac arrest, limitation in life support, or ICU discharge for a typical patient in this acute lung injury (ALI) cohort (male patient hospitalized for 2 days before ALI onset, without any oncology comorbidity in a medical ICU at hospital site 1 with median values for Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, Functional Comorbidity Index, Charlson Comorbidity Index, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores) at the time of enrollment. The cumulative incidence of each outcome was obtained through estimation using the initial model containing all baseline covariates. The figure has been truncated at 28 days; hence, the cumulative probability of all events does not reach 100% because 11% of patients had their first event more than 28 days after ALI onset. From left to right, the panels present the estimated probability of events when the patient is age 40, 60, and 80.