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. 2014 May 29;87(1039):20130630. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20130630

Table 3.

Post-operative findings (expected) and complications after rotator cuff surgery

Parameter Imaging modality Appearance on imaging
Expected post-operative finding
 Presence of metal implants Radiographs/CT Identification of implants and sutures
 Osseous changes of subacromial decompression Radiographs/CT/MRI Distal clavicle resection
Acromioplasty: flattened acromial undersurface with loss of the anterior acromion
Superior subluxation of humeral head
 Bursectomy CT/MRI Absence of subacromial peribursal fat
Persistent fluid in subacromial bursal region
 Expected post-operative rotator cuff tendon appearance MRI Foci of intermediate (less the fluid or intra-articular contrast) intensity in tissue secondary to granulation tissue
 Tendon-to-bone repair Radiographs/CT/MRI Surgical trough in humeral head
Suture anchors at tendon–bone interface
 Tendon-to-tendon repair Radiographs/CT/MRI Suture placement within tendons
 Expected post-operative muscle changes CT/MRI Apparent muscle enlargement on parasagittal images as muscle pulled laterally during reconstruction
Muscle fatty infiltration/atrophy if present before surgery
Post-operative complication
 Recurrent rotator cuff tear MRI Signal similar to fluid in tendon substance, usually at the tendon–bone interface or 1.5 cm medial to re-attachment site
MRA/CTA Definite gap in tendon with signal similar to intra-articular contrast
 Suture displacement Radiographs/CT/MRI Suture anchor displacement into unexpected position
 Subacromial spur reformation Radiographs/CT/MRI Subacromial spur evidence, best on sagittal and coronal views
 Infection MRI Joint effusion, synovial thickening, adjacent soft-tissue oedema
 Adhesive capsulitis MRI/MRA Loss of normal fat signal in subcoracoid triangle, thickening of inferior glenohumeral ligament
 Deltoid detachment MRI Retraction of deltoid with fluid filling the defect, muscle atrophy with fatty infiltration
 Heterotopic ossification Radiographs/CT/MRI Mature ossification in deltoid better assessed by CT
 Acromial fracture Radiographs/CT Fracture line well shown on axillary view or axial CT
MRI Increased fluid signal in acromion

CTA, CT angiography; MRA, MR arthrography.