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. 2013 Summer;3(3):254–271.

Table 1.

Medicinal plants used by the traditional healers for the treatment of various ailments in the markets of Mashhad, Iran.

NO Family Scientific name Local name Part used Status Medicinal uses
1 Acoraceae Acorus calamus L. Agir Torki Root Im1 Treatment of Urinary Incontinence, Diuretic, Carminative, Stimulant, Hematinic
2 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus caudatus L. Taj Khorus Aerial parts In1 Disinfectant Treatment of Enteritis, Febrifuge, Antitussive, Antidiarrhea, Laxative,
3 Amaranthaceae Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Dermaneh Torki Aerial parts In1 Diabetes, Treatment of Sinusitis, Respiratory disorders, Anthelmintic, Antacid, Antidiarrhea, Carminative, Urinary Antiseptic
4 Amaryllidaceae Allium altissimum Regel Musir Bulb In1 Antiseptic, Appetizer, Digestive
5 Amaryllidaceae Allium cepa L. Piaz Seed In1 Treatment of Trichoptlosis
6 Amaryllidaceae Allium sativum L. Sir Bulb In1 Hypoglycemic, Cardiac Diseases, Antiseptic, Toothache,
Antihyperlipidemia, Anthelmintic, Antihypertensive
7 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica L Anbeh Leaves Im1 Lung Cancer
8 Anacardiaceae Pistacia atlantica Desf. ssp. kurdica Saghez Oleoresin In1 Appetizer, Digestive, Antacid,
9 Anacardiaceae Pistacia atlantica Desf. ssp. mutica Baneh Fruit In1 Laxative, Tonic Stimulant,Treatment of Anaemia
10 Anacardiaceae Pistacia lentiscus L. Mastaki Gum Im1 Strengthening of Memory, Strengthening of Teeth Gum, Antihalitosis
11 Anacardiaceae Rhus coriaria L. Somagh Fruit In1 Jaundice, Cholesterol Lowering, Diabetes, Antihypertensive, Antidiarrhea,
Anti-hemorrhage, Flavoring
12 Anacardiaceae Semecarpus anacardium L.f. Belador Fruit Im1 Tonic, Removal of Bad Foot's Odour
13 Apiaceae Anethum graveolens L. Shevid Fruit In1 Abortion, Anti-Dysmenorrhea, Galactogogue, Antihyperlipidemia, Carminative
14 Apiaceae Apium graveolens L. Karafs Fruit In1 Emmenagogue, Diuretic, Carminative
15 Apiaceae Bunium cylindricum (Boiss. & Hohen.) Drude Zireh Siah Fruit In2 Carminative
16 Apiaceae Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B.Fedtsch. Zireh Siah Fruit In1 Obesity, Galactogogue, Flavoring , Carminative, Calmative, Appetizer, Indigestion
17 Apiaceae Coriandrum sativum L. Geshniz Fruit In1 Acne, Treatment of Flatulence, Appetizer, Aphrodisiac, Calmative,
Jaundice, Antiseptic, Aromatic
18 Apiaceae Conium maculatum L. Shokaran Root In1 Cholagogue, Depilator, Treatment of Dermal Allergies
19 Apiaceae Cuminum cyminum L. Zireh Sabz
Fruit In1 Treatment of Colic, Galactogogue, Obesity, Digestive, Favoring, Antiasetic
20 Apiaceae Daucus carota L. Havij Fruit In1 Diuretic, Emmenagogue
21 Apiaceae Dorema ammoniacum D.Don Kandal Gum- Root In1 Cystitis, Digestive, Treatment of Colic, Treatment of Furuncles, Expectorant,
Anthelmintic, Emmenagogue, Anticovulsion
22 Apiaceae Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. Ghaz Yaghi Leaves- Fruit In1 Treatment of Vitiligo, Cut, Wound
23 Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Razianeh Fruit In1 Galactogogue, Digestive, Bronchitis, Appetizer, Antacid, Flatulence
24 Apiaceae Ferula foetida (Bunge) Regel Anghuzeh Gum In1 Anthelmintic, Treatment of Colic, Emmenagogue
25 Apiaceae Ferula gummosa Boiss. Barijeh Gum- Root In1 Anthelmintic Anticatarrhal, Antiallergic, Dyspepsia, Appetizer, Emmenagogue
26 Apiaceae Heracleum persicum Desf. Golpar Fruit In1 Treatment of Hiccup, Appetizer, Flavoring, Carminative, Anthelmintic, Stomach Tonic
27 Apiaceae Levisticum officinale W.D.J.Koch Angedane roomi Fruit In1 Nerve Diseases, Heart Tonic, Indigestion
28 Apiaceae Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A. W. Hill Jafari Fruit In1 Emmenagogue, Diuretic, Carminative, Kidney Disorders
29 Apiaceae Pimpinella anisum L. Anison
(Badian roomi)
Fruit In1 Treatment of Flatulence, Anthelmintic,Treatment of Colic, Antacid, Stomachache, Antidiarrhea
30 Apiaceae Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague Zenyan
Fruit In1 Carminative, Anthelmintic, Antidiarrhea, Treatment of Colic, Antacid, Galactogogue
31 Apiaceae Zosima orientalis Hoffm. Angedane roomi Fruit In2 Nerve Diseases, Indigestion
32 Araliaceae Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. Jin Sing Root Im1 Aphrodisiac, Nerve Tonic, Treatment of Dyspepsia
33 Arecaceae Areca catechu L. Fufal Seed Im1 Treatment of premature Ejaculation, Aphrodisiac,Tonic, Anti-hemorrhage, Antidiarrhea, Treatment of Postpartum Bleeding, Stomach Tonic
34 Arecaceae Cocos nucifera L. Nargil Fruit Im1 Tonic, Hair Tonic, Treatment of Anaemia
35 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia rotunda L. Zaravand Root Im1 Emmenagogue, Diuretic, Anti-Atherosclerosis, Tonic, Treatment of Rheumatism
36 Aristolochiaceae Asarum europaeum L. Asarun Root Im1 Tonic, Stimulant
37 Asparagaceae Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. Sabre Zard Leaves- Latex Im1 Obesity, Antihemorrhoids, Purgative, Antihistaminic,Treatment of burn
38 Asparagaceae Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn Onsol Bulb In1 Arthrodynia, Emmenagogue, Hair Tonic
39 Asparagaceae Polygonatum orientale Desf. Shaghaghol Root In1 Tonic, Diuretic, Nerve Tonic, Aphrodisiac
40 Asteraceae Achillea santolinoides subsp. wilhelmsii (K.Koch) Gruter Bumadaran Aerial parts In1 Antihemorrhoids, Antidiarrhea, Hypoglycemic, Anthelmintic, Mastitis, Antacid, Dyspepsia, Nerve Tonic, Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Treatment of Blood Flooding, Appetizer
41 Asteraceae Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) Lag. Aghergherha Root Im1 Treatment of Sciatica, Treatment of Stuttering
42 Asteraceae Arctium lappa L. Baba Adam Leaves- Root In1 Duretic Cholagogue, Depurative, Hypoglycemic,
43 Asteraceae Artemisia absinthium L. Afsantin Aerial parts In1 Anthelmintic, Appetizer, Indigestion
44 Asteraceae Artemisia dracunculus L. Tarkhun Leaves In1 Appetizer, Dyspepsia , Anthelmintic, Antacid, Carminative
45 Asteraceae Artemisia vulgaris L. Baranjasef Flower In1 Nerve Tonic, Sexual Impotency, Menstrual Regulator
46 Asteraceae Calendula officinalis L. Hamishe Bahar Flower Im1 Eczema, Treatmen of Dermal Disorders, Sudorific, Blood cleanser
47 Asteraceae Carthamus tinctorius L. Golrang
Flower- Seed In1 Emmenagogue, Flavoring Luxative, Treatment of Rheumatism,
48 Asteraceae Centaurea behen L. Bahman Sefid Root In1 Aphrodisiac, Anti-lithiasis
49 Asteraceae Centaurea depressa M.Bieb. Gole Gandom Aerial parts In1 Digestive, Febrifuge, Cholagogue, Blood Cleanser, Antigout
50 Asteraceae Cichorium intybus L. Kasni Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Palpitation, Appetizer, Depurative, Treatment of Furuncles,
Jaundice, Febrifuge, Antiallergic
51 Asteraceae Cynara scolymus L. Kangar Farangi Aerial parts Im1 Liver Tonic, Digestive, Jaundice, Hepatitis
52 Asteraceae Doronicum pardalianches L. Daroanj Aghrabi Root Im1 Diuretic, Treatment of Snake and Scorpion bites, Nerve Tonic
53 Asteraceae Echinops cephalotes DC. Shekar Tighal Manna In1 Antitussive, Anti-asthmatic, Pharyngitis, Febrifuge
54 Asteraceae Gundelia tournefortii L. Kangar Aerial parts In1 Liver Tonic Treatment of Hepatitis
55 Asteraceae Helichrysum graveolens (M.Bieb) Sweet Afsantin Aerial parts In2 Anodyne, Anthelmintic, Appetizer, Nerve Tonic
56 Asteraceae Lactuca sativa L. Kahu Seed In1 Anti-thirst, Hypnotic
57 Asteraceae Matricaria chamomilla L. Gole babooneh Flower In1 Eczema, Antitussive, Anticatarrhal, Hair Tonic, Treatment of Colic, Menstrual Pains
58 Asteraceae Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Khare Maryam Seed In1 Jaundice, Febrifuge, Antihepatitis, Liver Tonic
59 Asteraceae Tagetes erecta L. Gol Jafari Flower Im1 Febrifuge, Treatment of Cut
60 Asteraceae Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip. Gole babooneh Flower In2 Antitussive, Anticatarrhal, Hair Tonic, Treatment of Colic, Menstrual Pains
61 Asteraceae Tripleurospermum disciforme (C. A. Mey.) Sch.Bip. Gole babooneh Flower In2 Treatment of Cough, Febrifuge
62 Asteraceae Tussilago farfara L. Pa Khari Aerial parts In1 Expectorant, Antitussive, Mouth Wounds, Treatment of Furuncles
63 Berberidaceae Berberis integrrima Bunge Zereshk Kuhi Fruit In1 Hypoglycemic, Antihypertensive, Blood and Liver Cleanser,
Jaundice, Febrifuge, Antigout
64 Berberidaceae Berberis sp. Zereshk Fruit In1 Antigout, Blood and Liver Cleanser, Febrifuge, Anthelmintic,Treatment of Dysentery
65 Betulaceae Corylus avellana L. Fandogh Fruit In1 Treatment of Anaemia, Depurative, Appetizer
66 Boraginaceae Arnebia euchroma (Royle) I.M.Johnst. Havachoobeh Root In1 Treatment of Dermal Disorders, Hair Tonic
67 Boraginaceae Caccinia macranthera (Banks & Sol.) Brand Gavzaban sabz Aerial parts In1 Sedative, Treatment of Cough, Expectorant
68 Boraginaceae Cordia myxa L. Sepestan Fruit In1 Pharyngitis, Antitussive, Febrifuge, Laxative
69 Boraginaceae Echium amoenum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Gole
Flower In1 Antihypertensive, Nerve Tonic, Diuretic, Antistress, Blood Cleanser Cardiac Tonic
70 Boraginaceae Trichodesma incanum (Bunge) A.DC. Alaf-e- simkesh Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Bone Fracture
71 Brassicaceae Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. Ghodumeh Seed In1 Pharyngitis, Antitussive, Febrifuge, Laxutive, Treatment of Hoarseness
72 Brassicaceae Anastatica hierochuntica L. Change maryam Aerial parts In1 Bring Luck to Pregnant Women, Menstrual Regulator
73 Brassicaceae Brassica napus L. Shalgham Seed In1 Antiseptic, Treatment of Cold, Tonic
74 Brassicaceae Brassica nigra (L.) K.Koch Khardal Seed In1 Laxative
75 Brassicaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Kiseh Keshish Seed In1 Period Regulator, Anti-hemorrhage, Antidiarrhea
76 Brassicaceae Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl Khakshir Seed In1 Blood and Liver Cleanser, Jaundice, Febrifuge, Treatment of Furuncles, Anti-thirst, Laxative
77 Brassicaceae Eruca sativa (L.) Mill. Mandab
(Roghan cheragh)
Seed In1 Sedative, Laxative Diuretic, Stomach Tonic,
78 Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum L. Shahi
Seed In1 Appetizer, Anthelmintic, Laxative, Sore Throat
79 Brassicaceae Nasturtium officinale R. Br. Alafe cheshmeh Aerial parts In1 Diabetes, Dyspepsia
80 Burseraceae Boswellia sacra Fluek. Kondor Gum Im1 Memory Tonic Treatment of Premature Ejaculation,
81 Burseraceae Commiphora mukul (Hook. Ex Stocks) Engl. Moghle Azragh Gum Im1 Treatment of Joints Pain, Carminative
82 Burseraceae Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. Morre makki Gum Im1 Obesity, Hematinic,Carminative Antibacterial, Laxative, Stomachache
83 Cannabinaceae Cannabis sativa L. Shahdaneh Seed In1 Sedative, Tonic Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Treatment of Ear Pain
84 Cannabinaceae Humulus lupulus L. Razak Hops In1 Duretic, Treatment of Sleeplessness, Kidney Tonic, Calming, Sedative for Digestion
85 Capparaceae Capparis spinosa L. Kavar Fruit- Root In1 Liver Tonic, Hepatitis, Appetizer, Anthelmintic, Stomach Tonic,
Emmenagogue, Antigout
86 Caprifoliaceae Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC. Sonboletib Root Im2 Nerve Tonic, Cardiac Tonic, Hypnotic, Anti-Stress,
Antimigraine, Treatment of Incontinence
87 Caryophylaceae Acanthophyllum sordidum Bunge ex Boiss. Choobak Root In1 Warts, Washing
88 Colchicaceae Colchicum autumnale L. Suranjan Root In1 Antigout, Calmative, Arthrodynia
89 Combretaceae Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Balileh Fruit Im1 Laxative, Appetizer
90 Combretaceae Terminalia chebula Retz. Halileh Siah Fruit Im1 Purgative, Treatment of Constipation, Liver Tonic, Antihemorrhoids
91 Combretaceae Terminalia citrina Roxb. ex Fleming Halileh Zard Fruit Im1 Antidiarrhea, Anthelmintic, Digestive
92 Convolvolaceae Cuscuta epithymum Murray Aftimun Aerial parts In1 Laxative, Antihemorrhoids
93 Convolvolaceae Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso Torbod Root Im1 Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Duretic, Laxative, Febrifuge
94 Cornaceae Cornus mas L. Zoghal Akhteh Fruit In1 Prostatichypertropy, Antihemorrhage, Antidiarrhea, Febrifuge
95 Cucurbitaceae Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Hanzal Fruit- Seed In1 Purgative, Anodyne, Hypoglycemic
96 Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus L. Khiar Seed In1 Diuretic, Antilithiasis, Blood-cleansing, Febrifuge
97 Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo L. Kadu Tokhm Kaghazi Seed Im1 Prostatichypertrophy
98 Cupressaceae Juniperus sabina L. Abhal Fruit In1 Diuretic, Antilithiasis, Food digestion, Urinary Antiseptic
99 Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus L. Soade Kufi Root In1 Strengthening of Memory
100 Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Senjed Fruit In1 Arthrodynia, Antidiarrhea, Treatment of Rheumatism, Female Aphrodisiac
101 Ephedraceae Ephedra major Host Khakestar Koshtar Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Joints Pain
102 Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. Dome Asb Aerial parts In1 Obesity, Antilithiasis, Antihypertensive, Prostate Disorders, Treatment of kidney Disorders
103 Ericaceae Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. Ghareh Ghat Fruit In1 Diabetes, Depurative, Antihypertensive, Calmative
104 Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis L. Karchak Seed In1 Purgative
105 Fabaceae Abrus precatorius L. Cheshm Khorus Seed Im1 Contraceptive
106 Fabaceae Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Cheshom Seed Im1 Pharyngitis, Antitussive, Obesity, Carminative
107 Fabaceae Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Samgh Arabi Gum Im1 Cystitis, Antitussive, Gastric ulcer, Anti-inflammatory, Hoarseness
108 Fabaceae Alhagi graecorum Boiss. Taranjabin Manna In1 Jaundice, Laxative, Febrifuge, Thirst, Aphthous Ulcers
109 Fabaceae Alhagi maurorum Medik. Khar Shotor- Taranjabin Aerial parts - Manna In1 Appetite Suppressant, Diuretic, Jaundice, Febrifuge
110 Fabaceae Astragalus adscendens Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Boiss. Gazangabin Manna In1 Laxative, Febrifuge Digestive
111 Fabaceae Astragalus fasciculifolius subsp. arbusculinus (Bornm. & Gauba)Tietz Anzerut Gum In1 Antitussive, Jaundice, Laxative, Anthelmintic
112 Fabaceae Astragalus hamosus L. Nakhonak Fruit In1 Anodyne, Repel of Kidney Stone, Diuretic, Arthrodynia, Carminative
113 Fabaceae Astragalus sieversianus Pall. Gol Sefid Fruit In1 Menstrual Disorders
114 Fabaceae Astragalus spp. Katira Gum In1 Mouth Wounds, Aphrodisiac, Cystitis, Hair Tonic
115 Fabaceae Cassia fistula L. Folus Fruit Im1 Treatment of Leishmaniasis, Infant Colic, Febrifuge, Purgative, Jaundice
116 Fabaceae Entada gigas (L.) Fawc. & Rendle Ghorse Kamar Seed Im1 Washing, Aphrodisiac, Hair Tonic
117 Fabaceae Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Shirin Bayan Root In1 Antitussive, Antacid, Tonic, Gastric ulcer, Treatment of Hypotension, Treatment of Anaemia
118 Fabaceae Indigofera argentea Burm.f. Rang Leaves In1 Anti Fungal, Hair color, Hair Tonic
119 Fabaceae Lupinus luteus L. Baghelaye Mesri Seed Im1 Anthelmintic, Emmenagogue, Carminative, Liver Tonic
120 Fabaceae Medicago sativa L. Yunjeh Aerial parts In1 Appetizer, Tonic, Osteomalacia, Anti hemorrhage
121 Fabaceae Securigera securidaca (L.) Degen & Dorfl. Gandeh Talkheh Seed In1 Diabetes, Antihyperlipidemia
122 Fabaceae Senna italica subsp. italica Mill. Sena Leaves Im1 Purgative, Obesity, Treatment of Hemorrhoids
123 Fabaceae Tamarindus indica L. Tamr Hendi Fruit Im1 Jaundice, Depurative, Pimples
124 Fabaceae Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Shanbalileh
Seed In1 Diabetes,Bronchitis, Osteomalacia, Antihyperlipidemia, Tonic, Treatment of Anaemia
125 Fagaceae Quercus infectoria Oliv. Mazuye sabz Insect gull In1 Nose-Bleed, Anti-Hemorrhage, Uterus Aailments, Mouth Wounds, Antihemorrhoids
126 Fagaceae Quercus spp. Balut (Mazu) Fruit In1 Antidiarrhea, Anti-hemorrhage
127 Gentianaceae Gentiana lutea L. Jentiana Root Im1 Aphrodisiac, Blood Tonic
128 Gentianaceae Gentiana olivieri Griseb. Suloo Flower In1 Cardiac Ailments
129 Grossulariaceae Ribes khorasanicum Saghafi & Assadi Ghareh Ghat Fruit In2 Antihypertensive, Diabetes, Depurative
130 Hypericaceae Hypericum scabrum L. Hufarighun Flower In1 Antimigraine, Gastric ulcer, Aanti hemorrhage, Urinary Incontinence, Treatment of Headache
131 Iridaceae Crocus sativus L. Zaffaron Style In1 Tonic, Dysmenorrheal, Emmenagogue, Nerve Tonic, Premature ejaculation,
Gastric ulcer, Aphrodisiac
132 Iridaceae Iris spuria L. Zanbagh Root In Arthrodynia, Diuretic
133 Juglandaceae Juglans regia L. Gerdu Fruit- Leaves In1 Eczema, Antidiarrhea, Hair color
134 Lamiaceae Clinopodium graveolens (M.Bieb.) Kuntze Faranjmeshk Seed In1 Pharyngitis, Gastric Ulcer, Nerve Tonic
135 Lamiaceae Hymenocrater spp. Badranjbuyeh Aerial parts In2 Cardiac Tonic, Hypnotic, Antitussive, Carminative, Dyspnoea, Anti-stress Convulsion
136 Lamiaceae Hyssopus officinalis L. Zufa Aerial parts Im1 Pulmonary Infections, Treatment of Cold, Expectorant
137 Lamiaceae Lallemantia iberica (M.Bieb.)Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Tokhm Sharbati Seed In1 Gastric Ulcer, Antitussive, Laxative, Hoarseness, Anti-thirst
138 Lamiaceae Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Lavand Aerial parts Im1 Treatment of Insomnia, Treatment of cold, Nerve Tonic, Cardiac Tonic
139 Lamiaceae Marrubium vulgare L. Ferasion Aerial parts In1 Liver Tonic, Antitussive
140 Lamiaceae Melissa officinalis L. Badranjbuyeh Aerial parts In1 Nerve Tonic, Cardiac Tonic, Hypnotic, Antitussive, Carminative, Anti-tress, Convulsion
141 Lamiaceae Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson Puneh Aerial parts In1 Herpes, Anthelmintic, Antacid, Carminative, Antidiarrhea, Digestive
142 Lamiaceae Mentha spicata L. Naana Aerial parts In1 Appetizer, Antacid, Carminative, Antidiarrhea, Digestive, Anodyne ,Anthelmintic
143 Lamiaceae Nepeta binaloudensis Jamzad Ostokhodus Aerial parts In2 Treatment of Cold, Carminative, Nerve Tonic, Treatment of Sinusitis, Pulmonary infections, Treatment of Rheumatism, Antiasthmatic, Aantitussive, Cardiac Tonic
144 Lamiaceae Nepeta bracteata Benth. Zufa Aerial parts In2 Pulmonary Infections, Antiasthmatic, Treatment of cold, Febrifuge, Treatment of Colic, Antitussive
145 Lamiaceae Nepeta menthoides Boiss. & Buhse Ostokhodus Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Cold, Nerve Tonic, Expectorant
146 Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum L. Reyhan (Tokhm sharbati) Seed In1 Aphthous Ulcers, Antiseptic, Antidiarrhea,
Antitussive, Carminative, Laxative, Digestive, Antacid
147 Lamiaceae Origanum vulgare L. Marzanjush Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Colic, Treatment of Sinusitis, Sedative, Cardiac Tonic, Nerve Tonic, Treatment of Dyspnoea
148 Lamiaceae Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. Gol Kabud Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Sinusitis, Treatment of Toothache, Antitussive, Nerve Tonic, Carminative, Sedative, Antiseptic, Anthelmintic, Treatment of Colic
149 Lamiaceae Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rozmari Leaves- Flower Im1 Treatment of Joints Pain, Hair Loss, Depression, Nerve Tonic, Appetizer, Hypnotic
150 Lamiaceae Salvia leriifolia Benth. Noruzak Aerial parts In1 Diabetes, Period Regulator
151 Lamiaceae Salvia macrosiphon Boiss. Kenocheh Seed In1 Jaundice, Antitussive, Febrifuge , Gastric ulcer, Pharyngitis, Laxative
152 Lamiaceae Salvia officinalis L. Maryam Goli Aerial parts Im1 Female Fertility, Hypoglycemic, Menopause, Stomach Tonic
153 Lamiaceae Satureja hortensis L. Marzeh Aerial parts In1 Indigestion, Anthelmintic, Appetizer, Antacid, Antidiarrhea
154 Lamiaceae Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl Chai Kuhi Flower In1 Nerve Tonic, Treatment of cold, Cardiac Tonic, Treatment of Colic
155 Lamiaceae Teucrium polium L. Kalpureh Aerial parts In1 Antacid, Indigestion, Diabetes, Treatment of Colic, Antidiarrhea
156 Lamiaceae Vitex negundo L. Felfel Kuhi Fruit In1 Menstrual regulator, Obesity, Treatment of Sinusitis
157 Lamiaceae Zataria multiflora Boiss. Avishan Shirazi Aerial parts In1 Treatment of Sinusitis, Menstrual Pains, Dysmenorrheal, Anthelmintic, Antacid, Treatment of Colic, Antiasthmatic, Dyspnoea, Arthrodynia, Carminative
158 Lamiaceae Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. Avishan kuhi Aerial parts In1 Kidney Pain, Antacid, Carminative,Treatment of Colic, Anthelmintic, Antitussive, Antidiarrhea, Digestive
159 Lamiaceae Ziziphora teniuor L. Kakuti Aerial parts In1 Digestive, Treatment of Colic, Calefacient, Antacid, Antiseptic
160 Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl Kafur Gum Im1 Antiaphrodisiac, Anodyne, Treatment of Toothache
161 Lauraceae Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees Darchin Bark Im1 Treatment of Headache, Calmative, Urinary Incontinence, Digestive, Flavor, Hypoglycemic, Carminative
162 Lauraceae Laurus nobilis L. Barg Bu Leaves In1 Carminative Appetizer, Flavor
163 Liliaceae Fritillaria imperialis L. Laleh Sarnegun Root In1 Treatment of Joints Pain
164 Linaceae Linum usitatissimum L. Katan Seed In1 Cholesterol Lowering, Antitussive, Laxative, Obesity
165 Loganiaceae Strychnos nux-vomica L. Kachuleh Seed Im1 Antiallergic, Eczema, Sedative
166 Lythraceae Lawsonia inermis L. Hana Leaves In1 Hair color Treatment of headache, Hair Tonic, Washing, , Anti Fungal, Antiseptic
167 Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench Bamieh Seed In1 Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Laxative
168 Malvaceae Alcea spp. Gole Khatmi Flower In1 Antitussive, Febrifuge, Treatment of pimples, Laxative, Depurative, Treatment of gum swelling
169 Malvaceae Althaea officinalis L. Charme giah Root In1 Mouth Wounds, Bone Fracture, Treatment of Bruises, Treatment of Dysuria
170 Malvaceae Helicteres isora L. Bahman pich Fruit Im1 Antidiarrhea, Antispasmodic
171 Malvaceae Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Chai Makkeh Flower Im1 Hypoglycemic, Antihypertensive, Obesity, Blood-cleansing, Calmative, Cardiac Tonic
172 Malvaceae Hibiscus syriacus L. Gole Khatmi Flower In2 Febrifuge, Antitussive
173 Malvaceae Malva neglecta Wallr. Nan Kalagh Flower- Fruit In1 Sore Throat, Antitussive, Febrifuge
174 Malvaceae Malva sylvestris L. Panirak
(Khatmi khabbzi)
Flower- Fruit In1 Pharyngitis, Furuncles, Aphthous Ulcers , Febrifuge, Antitussive, Jaundice,
Laxative, Gastric ulcer, Treatment of Wounds
175 Malvaceae Theobroma cacao L. Kakao Fruit Im1 Tonic, Flavoring
176 Malvaceae Tilia cordata Mill. Zirfun Leaves- Fruit In1 Nerve Tonic, Sudorific, Duretic, Calmative
177 Menispermaceae Anamirta cocculus (L.) Wight & Arn. Mass Mahi Fruit Im1 Fishering
178 Moraceae Ficus carica L. Anjir Fruit In1 Anti-hemorrhoids, Laxative, Tonic
179 Moraceae Morus nigra L. Shatut Root In1 Abortion
180 Myristicaceae Myristica fragrans Houtt. Joze Buya Seed Im1 Anti-Hemorrhage, Tonic, Appetizer, Treatment of Colic
181 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus sp. Okaliptus Leaves- Fruit Im1 Treatment of Sinusitis, Treatment of Cold, Treatment of Headache
182 Myrtaceae Myrtus communis L. Murd Leaves- Fruit In1 Psoriasis, Treatment of Sinusitis, Mouth Ulcers, Anti Fungal, Treatment of Cold,
Strengthening of Hair, Herpes
183 Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry Mikhak Flower Im1 Toothache, Antiseptic, Digestive, Aphrodisiac, Carminative, Stimulant
184 Nitrariaceae Peganum harmala L. Espand Seed In1 Diabetes, Antiseptic,Hypnotic, Treatment of Rheumatism and Sciatica Disorders, Anthelmintic, Emmenagogue
185 Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea alba L. Nilufar Abi Flower In1 Expectorant, Hypnotic, Antitussive, Calmative
186 Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior L. Zaban Gonjeshk Fruit In1 Aphrodisiac, Treatment of Stammering
187 Oleaceae Olea europaea L. Zeytun Fruit- Leaves Im1 Anti-hemorrhoids, Antihyperlipidemia, Hypoglycemic, Laxative,
Treatment of Dermal Allergic
188 Orchidaceae Anacamptis morio (L.) R. M. Bateman Saalab gholveh Root In1 Tonic
189 Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski Saalab panjeh Root In1 Treatment of Sexual Impotency, Tonic
190 Orchidaceae Orchis morio L. Buzidan Root Im1 Cardiac Tonic, Arthrodynia, Tonic, Hypnotic, Insecticide
191 Orchidaceae Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews Vanil Fruit Im1 Stimulant, Tonic, Carminative, Flavoring
192 Paeoniaceae Paeonia officinalis L. Ude Salib Root Im1 Antiepileptic, Carminative, Treatment of Colic
193 Papaveraceae Fumaria vaillantii Loisel. Shatareh Aerial parts In1 Pimples, Febrifuge, Blood-cleansing Psoriasis, Appetizer, Antiacid, Jaundice,
194 Papaveraceae Papaver rhoeas L. Shaghayegh Flower In1 Treatment of Addiction , Calmative, Sleeplessness, Sedative, Expectorant, Antitussive, Antiasthmatic
195 Papaveraceae Papaver somniferum L. Khashkhash Fruit- Seed In1 Anodyne, Laxative, Tonic, Hypnotic
196 Passifloraceae Passiflora caerulea L. Gol Saati Flower Im1 Treatment of Insomnia, Anti-Stress, Calmative
197 Pedaliaceae Sesamum indicum L. Konjed Seed In1 Blood Tonic, Hair Loss, Strengthening of Memory, Increase Sperm Count, Treatment of Skin’s Split, Laxative
198 Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus emblica L. Agheleh Moghashar Fruit Im1 Jaundice, Forgetfulness, Cardiac Tonic Appetizer, Hair Tonic,
199 Pinaceae Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don Chalghooz Fruit Im1 Aphrodisiac, Blood Tonic
200 Piperaceae Piper cubeba L. Kababeh Chini Fruit Im1 Appetizer, Tonic, Carminative
201 Piperaceae Piper longum L. Darfelfel Fruit Im1 Carminative, Tonic, Food Digestion
202 Piperaceae Piper nigrum L. Felfel Siah Fruit Im1 Stimulant, Tonic, Appetizer, Falvoring
203 Plantaginaceae Plantago major L. Barhang Seed- Leaves In1 Eczema, Antiallergic, Febrifuge, Jaundice, Antitussive, Antidiarrhea, ToothacheDepurative, Gastric ulcer
204 Plantaginaceae Plantago ovata Forssk. Esfarzeh Seed In1 Obesity, Depilator, Tonsillitis, Antacid, Antitussive, Gastric ulcer, Febrifuge, Laxative, Jaundice, Antihemorrhoids
205 Platanaceae Platanus orientalis L. Chenar Fruit In1 Prostate Diseases
206 Poaceae Arundo donax L. Tabashir ghalam Latex In1 Aphthous Ulcer, Anti Thirst, Depurative, Treatment of Pimples, Febrifuge
207 Poaceae Avena sativa L. Jo dosar Seed In1 Treatment of Acne
208 Poaceae Oryza sativa L. Chaltooke Berenj Seed coat In1 Hair Tonic, Treatment of Anaemia
209 Poaceae Zea mays L. Kakole Zorat Style In1 Obesity, Anti-inflammatory, Aantilithiasis, Kidney Disorders,
Prostate Disorders, Duretic
210 Polygonaceae Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp. Anjebar Root Im1 Antidiarrhea, Anti-hemorrhage, Vulnerary
211 Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare L. Alaf Haftband Aerial parts In1 Diabetes, Treatment of Colic, Antidiarrhea
212 Polygonaceae Rheum palmatum L. Rivand Chini Root Im1 Liver Diseases, Cardiac Tonic, Antilithiasis, Backache, Appetizer, Purgative
213 Polygonaceae Rheum ribes L. Rivas Fruit- Petiole In1 Jaundice, Urinary Antiseptic, Diuretic, Depurative, Liver Tonic, Antiseptic, Hair Tonic
214 Polygonaceae Rheum turkestanicum Janisch. Eshghan Root In1 Diabetes, Antihypertensive, Anticancer, Depurative
215 Polygonaceae Rumex acetosella L. Sagh Torshak Root In1 Jaundice, Febrifuge
216 Polypodiaceae Polypodium vulgare L. Baspayak Root In1 Expectorant, Jaundice, Digestive
217 Polyporaceae Polyporus officinalis Fries Gharighun Fruiting body Im1 Anti-hemorrhage, Laxative
218 Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L. Khorfeh Seed- Leaves In1 Antitussive, Febrifuge, Anti-Thirst, Food digestion, Depurative, Duretic,
219 Primulaceae Embelia ribes Burm.f. Barang Kaboli Fruit Im1 Jaundice, Anthelmintic, Antidiarrhea
220 Pteridaceae Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Parsiavashan Aerial parts In1 Antitussive, Antihemorrhoid, Treatment of Sore Throat, Febrifuge,
Jaundice, Laxative, Antithirst, Treatment of Orchitis,
221 Punicaceae Punica granatum L. Gole Anar Flower- Root In1 Anti-hemorrhage, Blood flux, Anthelmintic
222 Ranunculaceae Delphinium semibarbatum Bien. ex Boiss. Zarir Flower In1 Treatment of Dermal Allergies, Coloring
223 Ranunculaceae Nigella sativa L. Siah Daneh Seed In1 Kidney Stone, Carminative, Antacid, Galactogogue, Anthelmintic, Food Digestion, Antitussive, Treatment of Colic
224 Ranunculaceae Thalictrum sultanabadense Stapf Parsiavashan Aerial parts In2 Antitussive, Febrifuge
225 Rhamnaceae Ziziphus jujuba Miller Annab Fruit In1 Depurative, Febrifuge, Laxative, Jaundice, Antitussive, Treatment of Thirst
226 Rhamnaceae Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd. Sedr Leaves In1 Eczema, Hair Tonic, Anti Fungal, Antipruritic, Washing
227 Rosaceae Cerasus avium (L.) Moench Dome Gilas Pedicel In1 Antilithiasis, Prostate Disorders Kidney Stone, Anti-inflammatory,
228 Rosaceae Crataegus sp. Sorkhe Valik Fruit- Leaves In1 Depurative, Repairs Blood Vessel
229 Rosaceae Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Shir Khesht Manna Im1 Jaundice, Febrifuge
230 Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga Mill. Beh Daneh Seed- Leaves In1 Cardiac Diseases, Antitussive, Sore Throat, Laxative, Febrifuge
231 Rosaceae Rosa beggeriana Schrenk Nastaran Fruit In1 Antihypertensive, Diuretic, Kidney Stone
232 Rosaceae Rosa damascena Mill. Gole Mohammadi Flower In1 Antihemorrhoid, Laxative, Calmative
233 Rosaceae Rosa foetida Herrm. Gole Zard Flower In1 Ovary Tonic, Emmenagogue
234 Rubiaceae Coffea arabica L. Ghahveh Seed Im1 Obesity, Sleeplessness, Antidiarrhea
235 Rubiaceae Cinchona officinalis L. Ganeh Ganeh Bark Im1 Treatment of Joints Pain, Febrifuge, Antimalaria
236 Rubiaceae Rubia tinctorum L. Ronas Root In1 Strengthening of Hair, Hair color
237 Rutaceae Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle Limu Amani Fruit In1 Antihypertensive, Calmative
238 Rutaceae Citrus aurantium L. Bahar Naranj Flower In1 Anti-Stress, Cardiac Tonic, Food Digestion, Antihypertensive
239 Rutaceae Ruta graveolens L. Sodab Aerial parts In1 Abortion, Sedative, Emmenagogue
240 Rutaceae Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. Dahan baz-Dahan basteh Fruit Im1 Diabetes, Febrifuge, Blood flux
241 Salicaceae Salix alba L. Bid Leaves- Bark In1 Menstrual Pains, Anodyne, Jaundice, Antitussive
242 Salicaceae Salix aegyptiaca L. Bidmeshk Flower In1 Calmative, Cardiac Tonic, Painful Menstruation
243 Salicaceae Salix excelsa J.F.Gmel. Bidkhesht Manna In1 Febrifuge, Jaundice, Laxative
244 Santalaceae Santalum album L. Sandal Wood Im1 Aromatic, Duretic Antidiarrhea,
245 Schisandraceae Illicium verum Hook.f. Badian Khatai Fruit Im1 Carminative, Galactogogue, Appetizer
246 Scrophulariaceae Digitalis purpurea L. Gol Angoshtaneh Flower Im1 Cardiac Tonic
247 Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia striata Boiss. Mokhallaseh Aerial parts In1 Kidney Troubles, Antidiarrhea, Treatment of Colic, Carminative, Treatment of Joints Pain
248 Scrophulariaceae Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss. Dome Gav Aerial parts In1 Dyspepsia, Antidiarrhea, Expectorant, Antiacid, Stomach Tonic
249 Solanaceae Atropa belladonna L. Beladon Leaves In1 Antispasmodic, Sedative
250 Solanaceae Capsicum annuum L. Felfel Ghermez Fruit In1 Appetizer, Spice, Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Tonic, Stimulant, Aphrodisiac
251 Solanaceae Datura stramonium L. Tatureh Seed In1 Sedative, Treatment of Addiction, Treatment of Colic
252 Solanaceae Hyoscyamus niger L. Bangdaneh Seed In1 Sedative, Treatment of Addiction, Treatment of Toothache, Treatment of Headache, Antigout
253 Solanaceae Physalis alkekengi L. Arusak Posht Pardeh Fruit In1 Emmenagogue Treatment of Kidney Stones, Blood Cleanesing,
254 Solanaceae Solanum americanum Mill. Tajrizi Fruit In1 Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Mastitis, Expectorant, Hypnotic, Sedative,
Treatment of Gastritis
255 Theaceae Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze Chai Sabz Leaves In1 Obesity, Anticancer, Antihypertensive, Hepatitis, Antihyperlipidemia
256 Urticaceae Urtica dioica L. Gazaneh Whole plant In1 Hypoglycemic, Enlarged Prostate, Anaemia, Anti-inflammatory, Digestive
257 Urticaceae Urtica pilulifera L. Anjareh Seed In1 Laxative, Treatment of Cough
258 Verbenaceae Aloysia citriodora Palau Beh Limu Leaves Im1 Dyspepsia, Nerve Tonic, Appetizer, Carminative, Calmative
259 Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis L. Shahpasand Aerial parts In1 Appetizer, Indigestion
260 Violaceae Viola odorata L. Banafsheh Flower In1 Eczema, Febrifuge, Antiallergic, Blood Cleansing, Jaundice,
Treatment of Cold, Expectorant
261 Xanthorrhoeaceae Eremurus spectabilis M.Bieb. Serish Root In1 Dermal infection, Sticking, Antihyperlipidemia
262 Zingiberaceae Alpinia galanga Willd. Ghost Shirin Root Im1 Treatment of Bloody Diarrhea, Treatment of Osteoarthritis
263 Zingiberaceae Alpinia officinarum Hance Kholanjan Root Im1 Treatment of Rheumatism, Tonic, Carminative, Digestive, Aphorodisiac
264 Zingiberaceae Amomum subulatum Roxb. Hele bad Fruit Im1 Carminative, Flavoring, Treatment of Colic, Flavoring
265 Zingiberaceae Curcuma longa L. Zard Chubeh Root Im1 Treatment of Gall Stones, Treatment of Bruises, Digestive, Emmenagogue
266 Zingiberaceae Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe Zorombad Root Im1 Liver Tonic, Carminative, Tonic, Indigestion , Obesity, Flavoring
267 Zingiberaceae Elettaria cardamomum Maton Hel Fruit Im1 Flavoring, Treatment of Flatulence, Appetizer, Tonic
268 Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zanjafil Root Im1 Increase of Sperm Count , Obesity, Carminative, Tonic, Flavoring,
Treatment of Joints Pain, Treatment of Toothache
269 Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris L. Kharkhasak Aerial parts In1 Duretic, Kidney Stone, Tonic, Treatment of Prostate Hypertrophy, Anthelmintic, Jaundice, Treatment of Flooding, Treatment of Dysuria, Urinary Antiseptic

Status: (Im: Imported sample, In: Indigenous sample, 1: Authentic sample, 2: Adulterated or Substituted sample).