Fig. 1.
A, A section of a strip chart recording of the SVRV, pleural pressure, aortic pressure, airway pressure, and Pra for 1 animal during 2 sequential positive pressure breaths. The vertical dotted lines and arrows illustrate the phase lag used to match Pra to SVRV with the dotted line being the Pra point and the subsequent SVRV its corresponding value. B, The summary SVRV and Pra data pars for a series of volume loading steps and their extrapolated linear regression lines to zero SVRV for 1 animal during control and acute endotoxin infusion states. Note that during endo, the HR is higher and the venous return slopes less steep (increased resistance) than control. Ppl indicates pleural pressure; PAo, aortic pressure; PAW, airway pressure.