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. 2013 Mar-Apr;39(2):128–137. doi: 10.1590/S1806-37132013000200003

Table 2. Distribution of the prevalence of asthma and rhinitis symptoms in 13- and 14-year-olds, by type of school, in two surveys conducted in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. 2006-2007 and 2010.

Symptom 2006-2007 p 2010 p
Total Public Private Total Public Private
(n = 3,015) (n = 2,165) (n = 850) (n = 3,020) (n = 2,559) (n = 461)
% % % % % %
Cumulative wheezing 1,329 44.1 907 41.9 422 49.6 < 0.01 1,326 44.5 1,071 42.4 255 56.3 < 0.01
Active asthma 682 22.6 442 20.4 240 28.2 < 0.01 708 23.4 548 21.4 160 34.7 < 0.01
Number of attacks within the last 12 months
1-3 528 17.5 334 15.4 194 22.8 < 0.01 547 18.1 424 16.6 123 26.7 < 0.01
≥ 4 68 2.3 34 1.6 34 4.0 < 0.01 83 2.7 60 2.3 23 5.0 0.01
Sleep disturbed by wheezing
< 1 night/week 204 6.8 140 6.5 64 7.5 0.29 198 6.6 162 6.3 36 7.8 0.23
≥ 1 night/week 105 3.5 82 3.8 23 2.7 0.14 106 3.5 80 3.1 26 5.6 < 0.01
Speech-limiting wheezing 105 3.5 70 3.2 35 4.1 0.23 109 3.6 87 3.4 22 4.8 0.14
Exercise-induced wheezing 759 25.2 522 24.1 237 27.9 0.03 855 28.8 707 28.1 148 32.4 0.06
Dry cough at night 1,036 34.4 721 33.3 315 37.1 0.05 1.136 37.9 941 37.0 195 42.6 0.02
Physician-diagnosed asthma 350 11.6 220 10.2 130 15.3 < 0.01 433 14.5 353 13.9 80 17.5 0.04
Cumulative rhinitis 1,710 56.7 1.132 52.3 578 68.0 < 0.01 1,688 57.1 1,378 55.1 310 67.8 < 0.01
Current or active rhinitis 1,303 43.2 822 38.0 481 56.6 < 0.01 1,279 42.4 1.021 39.9 258 56.0 < 0.01
Rhinoconjunctivitis 565 18.7 336 15.5 229 26.9 < 0.01 535 17.7 417 16.3 118 25.6 < 0.01
Rhinitis-related impairment of daily activities
None 567 18.8 314 14.5 253 29.8 < 0.01 590 19.5 454 17.7 136 29.5 < 0.01
Mild 581 19.3 404 18.7 177 20.8 0.17 582 19.3 480 18.8 102 22.1 0.09
Moderate 81 2.7 52 2.4 29 3.4 0.12 81 2.7 65 2.5 16 3.5 0.25
Severe 60 2.0 41 1.9 19 2.2 0.54 37 1.2 29 1.1 8 1.7 0.27
Physician-diagnosed rhinitis 609 20.2 326 15.1 283 33.3 < 0.01 520 17.6 365 14.6 155 33.9 < 0.01