Inducible labeling of mature adipocytes. (a) The inducible labeling system of mature adipocytes, produced by crossing adiponectinP-rtTA (adnP-rtTA) transgenic mice with TRE-cre and Rosa26-loxP-stop-loxP-lacZ transgenic mice. The triple transgenic mouse, called the AdipoChaser mouse, expresses rtTA in mature adipocytes but does not express LacZ in any cell type while maintained on food not containing doxycycline (dox). When doxycycline is included in the food, adipocytes that express rtTA will have the TRE promoter activated so that cre expression is induced. The Cre protein will specifically cut out the floxed transcriptional stop cassette and then turn on LacZ expression. Even after withdrawal of doxycycline from the food, these adipocytes will permanently express LacZ, whereas any new adipocytes that develop after doxycycline exposure will not express LacZ. (b,c) Representative β-gal (blue) staining of eWAT (b) and sWAT (c) in male control (mice with only TRE-cre and Rosa26-loxP-stop-loxP-lacZ) or AdipoChaser mice. Solid arrows (b,c), LacZ-positive cells; open arrows (b,c), LacZ-negative cells. Scale bar (black, shown in b, applies to b and c), 200 μm; (blue, shown in b, applies to the insets in b and c), 50 μm. Throughout the figure, n = 2 male mice per group.