TMT-MuDPIT shows proteome level remodeling of cytosolic
pathways induced by stress-independent HSF1 activation. (A) Plot showing
the log2 fold change in proteomics vs the log2 fold change in RNAseq for primary proteostasis factors (see Table
S3, Supporting Information) in HEK293T-REx
cells following Shield-1-dependent FKBP·cHSF1 stabilization.
(B) Plot showing the log2 fold change in proteomics vs
the log2 fold change in RNAseq for primary proteostasis
factors (see Table S3, Supporting Information) in HEK293T-REx cells following dox-dependent cHSF1 overexpression.
(C) Plot showing the Shield-1-dependent FKBP·cHSF1 stabilization
vs log2 fold change protein levels for proteostasis factors
following dox-dependent cHSF1 overexpression. The proteins are colored
by intracellular localization: cytosolic/nuclear (red), blue (ER),
green (mitochondrial), and membrane-associated (orange). (D) Illustration
showing the protein-level remodeling of the highly correlated cellular
proteostasis network shown in Figure 3C. (E)
Graph showing the fold increase in protein levels of cytosolic HSP40
proteins identified in our TMT-MuDPIT analyses. HSP40 proteins are
categorized based on their client binding; promiscuous HSP40s are
shown in red, and nonpromiscuous HSP40s are shown in gray.