Figure 39.
Unidirectional processive run of cellulase on crystalline cellulose fiber captured by HS-AFM. (a) Schematic of cellulase (cellobiohydrolase: CBH) with two-domain structure attached onto the surface of crystalline cellulose. (b) Clips of successive AFM images showing processive and unidirectional movement of TrCel7A on crystalline cellulose Iα. Imaging rate, 3.3 fps. Two molecules are marked with the arrows with different colors. (c) Intermittent “go and stop” movement of TrCel7A molecules on cellulose Iα. The movements of seven molecules are shown with the marks with different colors. (d) Velocity distribution of the linear movement of TrCel7A on crystalline cellulose Iα (n = 188). The histogram was approximated by the combination of two Gaussian distribution curves (blue line) with mean ± SD values of −0.32 ± 3.4 (red) and 7.1 ± 3.9 nm/s (green). (e) Successive AFM images showing traffic jam of TrCel7A bound to crystalline cellulose Iα. Imaging rate, 3.3 fps. The congestion is marked with the arrows.