A00-B99 |
Certain Infections and Parasitic Disease |
3.74% |
4 |
1.79% |
452 |
0.13 |
C00-D48 |
Neoplasms |
3.74% |
4 |
10.37% |
2623 |
0.025 |
D50-D89 |
Disease of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs and Certain Disorders Involving the Immune System |
0.93% |
1 |
1.14% |
287 |
1.0 |
E00-E88 |
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases |
8.41% |
9 |
6.14% |
1553 |
0.33 |
F01-F99 |
Mental and Behavioral Disorders |
13.01% |
14 |
5.97% |
1510 |
0.002 |
G00-G98 |
Diseases of the Nervous System |
2.80% |
3 |
4.04% |
1022 |
0.80 |
H00-H57 |
Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa |
0% |
0 |
0.29% |
73 |
1.0 |
H60-H93 |
Diseases of the ear and Mastoid Process |
0% |
0 |
0.04% |
11 |
1.0 |
I00-I99 |
Diseases of the Circulatory System |
26.17% |
28 |
36.59% |
9251 |
0.026 |
J00-J98 |
Diseases of Respiratory System |
10.28% |
11 |
11.30% |
2857 |
0.74 |
K00-K92 |
Diseases of the Digestive System |
7.48% |
8 |
3.27% |
827 |
0.025 |
L00-L98 |
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue |
0.93% |
1 |
0.38% |
96 |
0.34 |
M00-M99 |
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue |
1.87% |
2 |
2.53% |
640 |
1.0 |
N00-N98 |
Disease of the Genitourinary System |
9.35% |
10 |
4.73% |
1197 |
0.025 |
Q00-Q99 |
Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities |
0% |
0 |
0.13% |
32 |
1.0 |
R00-R99 |
Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical Findings and Lab. NOS |
1.87% |
2 |
4.31% |
1090 |
0.33 |
S00-T98 |
Injury, Poisoning and Certain Other Consequences of Other Causes |
4.67% |
5 |
3.50% |
885 |
0.43 |
V01-Y89 |
External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality |
4.67% |
5 |
3.48% |
879 |
0.43 |
Total |
107 |
25285 |