Figure 4.
Expression of BMPs in E. subglobosa. Radioactive in-situ hybridization on transverse sections through the region directly posterior to the choana of E. subglobosa at stages 3 and 4. Signal from darkfield images has been false colored red and overlaid on top of brightfield images using Adobe Photoshop. (A) BMP2 expression at stage 3 is located in the stomodeal epithelium as well as the medial maxillary prominence epithelium. It is noticeably absent in the mesenchyme. (D) At stage 4, BMP2 is largely expressed in the nasal pits and oral epithelium, in a similar manner to stage 3. Expression is also prominent in the mesenchyme next to the choanal fissures. (B) BMP4 expression is largely restricted to the oral epithelium. (E) BMP4 is also strongly expressed in the mesenchyme around the choanal fissures. Both BMP2 and BMP4 are also strongly expressed in the nasal pits. (C,F) BMP7 expression overlaps with BMP4 expression in its expression pattern within the oral epithelium, although there is no expression in the nasal pit. BMP7 is also expressed in the mesenchyme of the maxillary prominence (arrow heads), possibly implicating it in a role involving palatine ossifications later in ontogeny. b, Brain; cf, choanal fissures; e, eye; mxp, maxillary; np, nasal pit; s, stomodeum. Scale bars: 500 μm A–F.