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. 2014 Jul 1;5:74. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00074

Table 2.

Studies using focused attention meditation.

Study Practice
Psychophysiology – EEG bands
Practice Description Eyes Focus Description Subjective report θ (4–8 Hz) α (8–12 Hz) β (13–30 Hz) γ (30–50 Hz)
Kasamatsu and Hirai (19) Japan Zen Zazen Open NR “Concentration without tension” “special state of consciousness” Informal Bursts in advanced Power increase freq decrease Not measured? Not measured?

Ghista et al. (23) India Ananda Marga “Intuitional practice” Closed Chakra, personal mantra “Distinct from mental concentration” No Power increase Power increase freq decrease Not measured Not measured

Elson et al. (27) USA Ananda Marga Closed Personal mantra “Mental withdrawal and concentration” No Power increase in advanced Power increase Not measured Not measured

Corby et al. (28) USA Ananda Marga Tantric yoga Closed Personal mantra, with breath “Intense concentration of attention” Meditation quality rating Power increase with proficiency Some power increase Not measured Not measured

Pan et al. (38) China Qigong Concentrative Closed Attention on breath or body sensation Thinking regulation No Frontal power increase Power increase NR Not measured

Kamei (41) Japan Yoga SoHam, preceded by asana, pranayama Closed Breath, mantra NR No Not reported Power increase in most S’s Not reported Not reported

Lehmann et al. (46) Switzerland Diamond Way Buddhist Buddhist Half closed Visualization Subjectively different meditations Informal Not measured Not measured Not measured Right posterior
Mantra Left central
Self Right anterior

Lo et al. (50) Taiwan Zen Inner light Closed Zen and third eye chakra Perception of “inner light” Signaling of “inner light” Not reported Power increase in early meditation Occurrence on perception of “inner light” Not reported

Kubota et al. (66) Japan Zen Susoku Open Counting breath “Concentrated but relaxed” Signaling of count Some frontal found Occipital – no difference Not measured Not measured

Murata et al. (53) Japan Zen Susoku Open, lying down Counting breath “Concentrating the mind” Signaling of count No difference Frontal coherence increase No difference Not measured

Takahashi et al. (54) Japan Zen Susoku Open Counting breath “Concentrating the mind” Signaling of count Frontal power increase Central power increase No difference Not measured

Huang and Lo (58) Taiwan Zen Closed Zen chakra “Samadhi” Post-session questionnaire Increase at start Increased with meditation concentration Not measured