Figure 4. RNAi of TbIAD5-1 in the procyclic form causes defects in cell motility.
(A). TbIAD5-1 mRNA level in non-induced control and RNAi-induced cells detected by quantitative RT-PCR. Three independent experiments were carried out and the error bars represent S.D. (B). TbIAD5-1::3HA protein level in non-induced control and RNAi cells detected by western blotting with anti-HA antibody. Level of a non-specific protein cross-reacted with anti-HA antibody served as the loading control. (C). RNAi of TbIAD5-1 slowed down cell proliferation. (D). Sedimentation assays to monitor cell motility. The parental 29-13 strain, the non-induced control, and TbIAD5-1 RNAi cells after tetracycline induction for 3 days were incubated in cuvettes, and cell density (optical density) was determined and plotted against the time of incubation (hours). Three independent experiments were carried out and the error bars represent S.D. (E, F). Tracing the motility of non-induced control cells and TbIAD5-1 RNAi cells (day 3) by video microscopy. Black arrows indicate the posterior tip of the cells, and the white dashed lines show the posterior of cells at the start of time-lapse video microscopy. Bar: 10 µm. Pie charts inserted in panel F show the percentage of cells scored as runner (white), tumbler (gray) or immotile (black) in non-induced control and TbIAD5-1 RNAi cells. n: number of cells counted.