Fig. 6.
Antimicrobial peptide receptors on macrophages (Macs) and DCs during secondary challenge in protectively compared with non-protectively immunized mice. BALB/c mice received an initial immunization with HK C.n. (HK) or C. neoformans strain H99γ and were allowed 60 days to resolve the infection. Mice then received a second intranasal challenge with 1×104 c.f.u. of C. neoformans strain H99. Lungs were excised at days 1, 3 and 5 post-challenge and a single cell suspension was generated using enzymic digestion. The leukocytes were then evaluated by flow cytometry for the presence of TLR4 on the surface of macrophages (a) or DCs (b) or RAGE on the surface of macrophages (c) or DCs (d). Flow cytometry data are representative results of two independent experiments using pooled leukocytes from four mice per group per time point for each experiment.