Figure 2 .
– SDB in patients with HCM10,27,36,37 approaches a similar prevalence as that reported for SDB in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.26 SDB in patients with MI often is underdiagnosed (the 12% of documented SDB in the real-world sample of these patients is in striking contrast with the prevalence of 68% when such patients undergo routine screening for SDB as part of a study setting).26 Whether SDB is underdiagnosed in patients with HCM has not been studied. SDB is defined as an oxygen desaturation index ≥ 5 or apnea-hypopnea index ≥ 5. *In this study, SDB was defined as an apnea-hypopnea index of ≥ 15. **Overnight attended polysomnography was used in this study to detect sleep apnea. MI = myocardial infarction; pts = patients. See Figure 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviations. (Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.)