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. 2014 Jul 1;9(7):e101418. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101418

Table 1. Transcriptome statistics.

Species Strombidium rassoulzadegani Tetraselmis chuii Strombidinopsis sp. Rhodomonas lens
Sample identifier MMETSP0449 MMETSP0491 MMETSP0463 MMETSP0484
Illumina pair-end reads 24,756,222 13,857,343 43,171,474 21,891,882
Number of contigs 12,163 26,975 24,981 33,177
Number of characters 12,354,690 33,029,773 29,714,767 36,097,100
Contig maximum length 6,635 16,863 14,021 18,919
Contig N50 1,307 1,770 1,589 1,519
Reads realigned to contigs 90% 83% 89% 87%
Predicted CDS 10,562 22,551 8,619 30,293
Predicted AAS 10,825 23,036 9,674 30,802
Food filtered CDS 9,752 - 6,553 -
Food filtered AAS 10,015 - 7,608 -

CDS  =  DNA coding sequences; AAS  =  amino acid sequences.