Figure 5. Overexpression of Atg17 enhances autophagy in well-fed larvae. (A and B) Overexpression of Atg17 in GFP-positive cells promotes mCherry-Atg8a (A) and mCherry-Atg1 (B) puncta formation. (C) Practically no LTR dots are seen in fat body cells of well-fed control larvae expressing GFP. (D) Transient expression of Atg17-GFP induces punctate LTR staining. (E) Coexpression of dominant-negative Atg1 blocks Atg17-induced LTR staining. (F) Only a few Atg8a puncta are seen in heat-shocked control larvae. (G) Heat shock-induced transient expression of Atg17-GFP enhances autophagosome-associated Atg8a dot formation. (H) Coexpression of GFP has no effect on punctate Atg8a staining induced by Atg17-GFP. (I) Coexpression of dominant-negative Atg1 prevents Atg17-induced Atg8a dot formation. (J–M) Quantification of data from (A) (J, n = 22), (B) (K, n = 18) and (C–E) (L, n = 14/genotype), (F–I) (M, n = 10/genotype). Scale bar: (A–I) 20 µm. Error bars: s.d., **P < 0.01.