Table. 1.
Candidate gene association studies of event-related brain potentials (ERPs).
Source | Sample | Age | ERP Paradigm | ERP measures | Genes | Main Findings |
Blum et al., 1994 | 155 psychiatric patients (m+f) | Adults | oddball | P3 amplitude, latency | DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia | ↑ P3 latency in A1A1; no effect on amplitude |
Noble et al., 1994 | 98 (males,incl. sons of alc) | 12.5 (10-14) | Visual oddball, 1-back version | P3 amplitude, latency | DRD2/ANKK1 TaqIa | ↑ P3 latency in A1A1(43ms difference); no effect on amplitude |
Freedman et al., 1997 | 104 (9 families with at least 2 cases of sz) | Not reported | P50 gating | P50 ratio | Linkage analysis in families, 9 selected markers | ↓P50 gating is linked to the site of α7-nic receptor (15q13-14) |
Hill et al., 1998 | 58 (33f), families with alcoholism | 11.3 | Visual oddball | Amplitude, Latency | DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia | ↓P3 amplitude in A1 carriers; no effect on latency |
Anokhin et al., 1999 | 591 (105 families with alcoholism) | 18-48 | Visual oddball | Amplitude, Latency | DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia | ↓P3 amplitude in A1 carriers in smokers but not in non-smokers |
Winterer et al., 2000 | 95 (59f) | 35.8 | Auditory choice reaction time task | N1/P2 complex | GABRG2 (GABAA γ2 gene 5q33 | Direction not reported |
Porjesz et al., 2002 (COGA study) | 1334 (253 dense alcoholic families) | Not reported | Visual oddball | P3 and N1 amplitudes | Linkage analysis in families, genome-wide (351 markers) | Significant linkage of P3 amplitude to Chr 2 and “suggestive” linkage on Chr. 5, 6, and 17 |
Gallinat et al., 2003 | 49 (12f) schizophrenic patients and 170 (85f) HC | 32.8(sz) and 43.9(HC) | Auditory oddball | P3 amplitude | COMT (Val108/158Met) | ↓frontal P3 amplitude in Met allele homozygotes in schizophrenic patients but not in HC |
Lin et al., 2001 | 134 females | 19-21 | Auditory oddball | P3 latency, amplitude | DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia | No Association |
Tsai et al., 2003 | 120 females | 19-21 | Auditory oddball | P3 latency, amplitude | DRD3, DRD4, DAT1 | No Association |
Jones et al., 2004 | 1067 members of 210 families with alcoholism | Visual oddball | Event-related oscillations | CHRM2, muscarinic cholinergic receptor gene | Significant association with SNPs located within and near the gene | |
Reinvang et al., 2005 | 29 Patients with memory problems | 50-76 | MMN (duration deviants); auditory oddball | MMN amplitude (difference wave); N1, N2, and P3 amplitudes | ApoE (ε3 and ε4 alleles) | ↓N1 and N2 amplitude in ε4 allele carriers (with allele dose effect); no effect on P3a or P3b |
Yu et al., 2005 | 191 females | 19-21 | Auditory oddball | P3 latency, amplitude | MAO-A, functional VNTR | No Association |
Winterer et al., 2006 | 112 HC, 83 schizophrenic patients, 87 unaffected siblings | 18-60 | Auditory oddball | prefrontal “noise” (variability of response across trials) | COMT (Val108/158Met) | ↑ prefrontal “noise” in val/val homozygotes |
Kramer et al., 2007 | 53 (36f) | 21 | Flanker+stop-signal task | Incompatibility N2,ERN, stop-N2 and –P3 | COMT, DRD4 -521 | ↑ERN in T/T homozygotes of DRD4; ↑stop-N2 and P3 in val/val homozygotes of COMT |
Wright et al., 2008 | 647 (twins/siblings) | Spatial working memory task | P3 | Genome-wide linkage study | Significant linkage to chromosome 7q | |
Chen et al., 2009 | 1,049 (209 families with alcoholism) | Visual oddball | Event-related theta band power (target) | Glutamate receptor gene GRM8 | Association with multiple SNPs | |
Marco-Pallares et al., 2009 | 40 (ca. 30f) | 18-35 | Gambling task | ERPs to wins and losses, event-related beta power | COMT; DRD4 -521 | ↑MFN, ↑beta power for gains in Val/Val homozygotes relative to Met/Met homozygotes |
Schofield et al., 2009 | 475 (51%f) | 32 | Auditory oddball | Target P3 | BDNF | ↑P3 latency in Met/Met homozygotes |
Althaus et al., 2009 | 65 (14 f), including 45 children with psychiatric disorders and 20 HC | 10-13 | Probabilistic learning task | ERN | 5-HTTLPR; DRD2/ANKK1 | ↑ negative feedback P3 and ↓FRN habituation in the S-allele carriers; ↑ negative feedback P3 and ↓ positive feedback P3 in A1 carriers |
Althaus et al., 2010 | Same sample as above | 10-13 | Probabilistic learning task | ERN, Feedback P3, Error positivity (Pe), SPN preceding feedback | Dopamine transporter gene DAT1 (SLC6A3) | ↓Pe, ↓SPN in 10/10 repeat genotype carriers |
Beste et al., 2010 | 57 (40f) | 25 | Go-NoGo task | No-Go N2, Go- and No-Go P3 | BDNF | ↑N2 in met allele carriers |
Marco-Pallares et al., 2010 | 48 (31f) | 18-35 | Auditory oddball with novel stimuli | Novelty P3a, target P3b | COMT; DRD4 -521 | ↑P3a in Met/Met homozygotes of COMT, and ↑novelty-related theta power in Met/Met and T/T homozygotes |
Olvet et al., 2010 | 81 (44f) | undergraduates | Flanker task | ERN | 5-HTTLPR + rs25531 SNP | No association |
Zlojutro et al., 2011 | 1064+1095 (replication); COGA study | Visual oddball | Theta event-related oscillations | GWAS | ↓ Theta EROs in T/T homozygotes of an SNP in HTR7 serotonin receptor gene | |
Biehl et al., 2011 | 160 (90f) | 27 | Flanker task | ERN | DAT1(SLC6A3); DRD4 | ↓ERN in 7-repeat cariers (DRD4); ↑Pe in 10/10 homozygotes (DAT1) |
Enge et al., 2011 | 72 (46f) | 22 | Auditory oddball, novelty | N1 | 5-HTTLPR | ↑N1 in S-allele carriers with high scores on self-reported “cognitive effort” |
Garcia-Garcia et al., 2011 | 40 | 22 | Cued task switching | P3 to cues | COMT, DRD2/ANKK1 | Combined effect of two genotypes on P3: ↑ P3 in Val/A1+ and Met/A1− carriers |
Mueller et al., 2011 | 169 males | 24 | Flanker task | ERN (ICA-derived) | COMT | ↑ERN and related delta- and theta-band power in Val carriers; reversed by D2 receptor blocker sulpiride |
Bender et al., 2012 | 195(91f) | 15 | AX-CPT | Early CNV | COMT; DAT1(SLC6A3) - 2 VNTR polymorphisms; | ↑ Early posterior CNV in carriers Met/Met genotype and 6-repeat-10-repeat haplotype |
Heinzel et al., 2013 | 181 adult ADHD patients, 114 HC | 35 (approx.) | Go-NoGo version of a CPT task | No-Go related “anteriorization” of P3 potential | DRD4, COMT | Complex interaction between genotypes with non-linear (U-shaped) effects |
Bertoletti et al., 2012 | 49 children (23f) | 8-10 | Affective faces | N170 | μ-opioid receptor gene OPRM1, A118G polymorphism | ↑N170 in response to facial expressions in G allele carriers |
Osinsky et al., 2012 | 65 (46f) | 22 | Facial Stroop task | Conflict-related N400; ERN | COMT | ↓ N400, ↓ ERN in Met/Met carriers |
Beste et al., 2013 | 97 (67f) | 25 | Flanker/No-Go task | No-Go N2, P3; ERN | Neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR1) gene | ↑No-Go P3 and ↑ERN in T allele carriers |
Spronk et al., 2013 | 320 (148f) | 18-70 | Auditory Oddball | Target P3 | COMT; DBH - 1021C>T | No association |
Abbreviations: f=females, m=males; HC=Healthy Controls; ERP measures are amplitudes of components indicated, if not specified otherwise. Indication of increased and decreased ERP components in specific genotype groups (↑ and ↓, respectively) refers to the absolute amplitude of the component regardless of its polarity; COGA: Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism.