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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Int J Psychophysiol. 2014 Apr 13;93(2):173–197. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.04.003

Table. 1.

Candidate gene association studies of event-related brain potentials (ERPs).

Source Sample Age ERP Paradigm ERP measures Genes Main Findings
Blum et al., 1994 155 psychiatric patients (m+f) Adults oddball P3 amplitude, latency DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia ↑ P3 latency in A1A1; no effect on amplitude
Noble et al., 1994 98 (males,incl. sons of alc) 12.5 (10-14) Visual oddball, 1-back version P3 amplitude, latency DRD2/ANKK1 TaqIa ↑ P3 latency in A1A1(43ms difference); no effect on amplitude
Freedman et al., 1997 104 (9 families with at least 2 cases of sz) Not reported P50 gating P50 ratio Linkage analysis in families, 9 selected markers ↓P50 gating is linked to the site of α7-nic receptor (15q13-14)
Hill et al., 1998 58 (33f), families with alcoholism 11.3 Visual oddball Amplitude, Latency DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia ↓P3 amplitude in A1 carriers; no effect on latency
Anokhin et al., 1999 591 (105 families with alcoholism) 18-48 Visual oddball Amplitude, Latency DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia ↓P3 amplitude in A1 carriers in smokers but not in non-smokers
Winterer et al., 2000 95 (59f) 35.8 Auditory choice reaction time task N1/P2 complex GABRG2 (GABAA γ2 gene 5q33 Direction not reported
Porjesz et al., 2002 (COGA study) 1334 (253 dense alcoholic families) Not reported Visual oddball P3 and N1 amplitudes Linkage analysis in families, genome-wide (351 markers) Significant linkage of P3 amplitude to Chr 2 and “suggestive” linkage on Chr. 5, 6, and 17
Gallinat et al., 2003 49 (12f) schizophrenic patients and 170 (85f) HC 32.8(sz) and 43.9(HC) Auditory oddball P3 amplitude COMT (Val108/158Met) ↓frontal P3 amplitude in Met allele homozygotes in schizophrenic patients but not in HC
Lin et al., 2001 134 females 19-21 Auditory oddball P3 latency, amplitude DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia No Association
Tsai et al., 2003 120 females 19-21 Auditory oddball P3 latency, amplitude DRD3, DRD4, DAT1 No Association
Jones et al., 2004 1067 members of 210 families with alcoholism Visual oddball Event-related oscillations CHRM2, muscarinic cholinergic receptor gene Significant association with SNPs located within and near the gene
Reinvang et al., 2005 29 Patients with memory problems 50-76 MMN (duration deviants); auditory oddball MMN amplitude (difference wave); N1, N2, and P3 amplitudes ApoE (ε3 and ε4 alleles) ↓N1 and N2 amplitude in ε4 allele carriers (with allele dose effect); no effect on P3a or P3b
Yu et al., 2005 191 females 19-21 Auditory oddball P3 latency, amplitude MAO-A, functional VNTR No Association
Winterer et al., 2006 112 HC, 83 schizophrenic patients, 87 unaffected siblings 18-60 Auditory oddball prefrontal “noise” (variability of response across trials) COMT (Val108/158Met) ↑ prefrontal “noise” in val/val homozygotes
Kramer et al., 2007 53 (36f) 21 Flanker+stop-signal task Incompatibility N2,ERN, stop-N2 and –P3 COMT, DRD4 -521 ↑ERN in T/T homozygotes of DRD4; ↑stop-N2 and P3 in val/val homozygotes of COMT
Wright et al., 2008 647 (twins/siblings) Spatial working memory task P3 Genome-wide linkage study Significant linkage to chromosome 7q
Chen et al., 2009 1,049 (209 families with alcoholism) Visual oddball Event-related theta band power (target) Glutamate receptor gene GRM8 Association with multiple SNPs
Marco-Pallares et al., 2009 40 (ca. 30f) 18-35 Gambling task ERPs to wins and losses, event-related beta power COMT; DRD4 -521 ↑MFN, ↑beta power for gains in Val/Val homozygotes relative to Met/Met homozygotes
Schofield et al., 2009 475 (51%f) 32 Auditory oddball Target P3 BDNF ↑P3 latency in Met/Met homozygotes
Althaus et al., 2009 65 (14 f), including 45 children with psychiatric disorders and 20 HC 10-13 Probabilistic learning task ERN 5-HTTLPR; DRD2/ANKK1 ↑ negative feedback P3 and ↓FRN habituation in the S-allele carriers;
↑ negative feedback P3 and ↓ positive feedback P3 in A1 carriers
Althaus et al., 2010 Same sample as above 10-13 Probabilistic learning task ERN, Feedback P3, Error positivity (Pe), SPN preceding feedback Dopamine transporter gene DAT1 (SLC6A3) ↓Pe, ↓SPN in 10/10 repeat genotype carriers
Beste et al., 2010 57 (40f) 25 Go-NoGo task No-Go N2, Go- and No-Go P3 BDNF ↑N2 in met allele carriers
Marco-Pallares et al., 2010 48 (31f) 18-35 Auditory oddball with novel stimuli Novelty P3a, target P3b COMT; DRD4 -521 ↑P3a in Met/Met homozygotes of COMT, and ↑novelty-related theta power in Met/Met and T/T homozygotes
Olvet et al., 2010 81 (44f) undergraduates Flanker task ERN 5-HTTLPR + rs25531 SNP No association
Zlojutro et al., 2011 1064+1095 (replication); COGA study Visual oddball Theta event-related oscillations GWAS ↓ Theta EROs in T/T homozygotes of an SNP in HTR7 serotonin receptor gene
Biehl et al., 2011 160 (90f) 27 Flanker task ERN DAT1(SLC6A3); DRD4 ↓ERN in 7-repeat cariers (DRD4); ↑Pe in 10/10 homozygotes (DAT1)
Enge et al., 2011 72 (46f) 22 Auditory oddball, novelty N1 5-HTTLPR ↑N1 in S-allele carriers with high scores on self-reported “cognitive effort”
Garcia-Garcia et al., 2011 40 22 Cued task switching P3 to cues COMT, DRD2/ANKK1 Combined effect of two genotypes on P3: ↑ P3 in Val/A1+ and Met/A1− carriers
Mueller et al., 2011 169 males 24 Flanker task ERN (ICA-derived) COMT ↑ERN and related delta- and theta-band power in Val carriers; reversed by D2 receptor blocker sulpiride
Bender et al., 2012 195(91f) 15 AX-CPT Early CNV COMT; DAT1(SLC6A3) - 2 VNTR polymorphisms; ↑ Early posterior CNV in carriers Met/Met genotype and 6-repeat-10-repeat haplotype
Heinzel et al., 2013 181 adult ADHD patients, 114 HC 35 (approx.) Go-NoGo version of a CPT task No-Go related “anteriorization” of P3 potential DRD4, COMT Complex interaction between genotypes with non-linear (U-shaped) effects
Bertoletti et al., 2012 49 children (23f) 8-10 Affective faces N170 μ-opioid receptor gene OPRM1, A118G polymorphism ↑N170 in response to facial expressions in G allele carriers
Osinsky et al., 2012 65 (46f) 22 Facial Stroop task Conflict-related N400; ERN COMT ↓ N400, ↓ ERN in Met/Met carriers
Beste et al., 2013 97 (67f) 25 Flanker/No-Go task No-Go N2, P3; ERN Neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR1) gene ↑No-Go P3 and ↑ERN in T allele carriers
Spronk et al., 2013 320 (148f) 18-70 Auditory Oddball Target P3 COMT; DBH - 1021C>T No association

Abbreviations: f=females, m=males; HC=Healthy Controls; ERP measures are amplitudes of components indicated, if not specified otherwise. Indication of increased and decreased ERP components in specific genotype groups (↑ and ↓, respectively) refers to the absolute amplitude of the component regardless of its polarity; COGA: Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism.