Table 1.
Program | Study | Target population | Country where implemented | Sessions/ outcome |
N | Follow up | Results |
Improvement of self-concept and affective state | Mestre, V & Frias, MD (1996) [16] | Adolescents. Average age 12.5 years. | Spain | 17, twice weekly; 30 to 60 min/CDI; EAC; STAIC; S-1. |
N total = 241; prevention group N = 125 control group N = 110 |
NO | Positive effects on proximal variables—self-esteem-particularly in adolescents aged 12 years and older. |
Coping with emotional problems in adolescents | Olmedo, M., Del Barrio, V. & Santed, MA (2003) [17] | Adolescents between12 to 16 years old | Spain | 18 weekly/ CDI-S; STAIC; Academic performance. |
N = 121 | Pretest and posttest | Differential effectiveness of the program for adolescents with academics problems. The group with academic problems showed more pronounced changes in depression scores |
LISA PD | Gomez, Y., Restrepo, V. & Jiménez, JC (2004) [18] | Adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years old (7th grade) | Colombia | 9 weekly/ CES-D; ATQ-RP; PANAS; WBSI. |
N = 147 | Pretest and posttest | The differences between control and treatment group were only marginally significant. |
EDUPEC | Gómez, Y., López, P. & Jiménez, G. (2010) [19] | Adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years old (8th Grade) | Colombia | 6 weekly/ ATQ-RP. |
Experimental group N = 107; control group N = 83 |
Pretest and posttest | They found statistically significant differences between groups only for negative thoughts. |
Emotional wellbeing workshop for teens | Cova, F., Rincón, P. & Melipillán, R. (2011) [20] | Female adolescents | Chile | 11 (90 min)/ BDI-II; DISC-IV; BAI; BAI; ACSQ; RRS; Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. |
Experimental group N = 119; control group N = 118 |
Pretest and posttest | The program did not show effects in any of the two modalities. The indicated modality obtained more satisfaction with participation. |
FRIENDS for Life | Gallegos, J., Linan- Thompson, S., Stark, K., & Ruvalcaba, N. (2013) [21] | Adolescents aged between 8 and 13 years old. | Mexico | 10 weekly/ SCAS; CA; CDI. |
N = 103 | Pretest and posttest and 6 months later. | The program showed a positive effect it reduced symptoms and risk factors of depression. As well, it increased proactive coping skills. |
I think, I feel, I act | Araya, R., Fritsch, R., Spears, M., Rojas, G., Martinez, V., Barroilhet, S., Vöhringer, P., Gunnell, D., Stallard, P., Guajardo, V., Gaete, J., Noble, S. & Montgomery, A. (2013) [22] | Adolescents with an average age of 14.5 | Chile | 12 sessions BDI-II; RCADS; CATS; |
N = 2500 | Pretest and posttest Follow up: 3 and 12 months. | No evidence of clinically differences in depression scores between the groups. |
Psycho-education for parents aimed at preventing affective problems. | Barcelata, BE., & Gómez, E., (2006) [23] | Parents | Mexico | 6 (120 min)/ ECPSE. |
N = 67 | Pretest and Posttest | The preliminary study yielded results showing statistically significant differences between pre and post treatment |
EMAS: Strategies to maintain positive mood. | Saez, E., Bonilla, K., Galloza, A. & López, C, (2009) [24] | Adolescents | Puerto Rico | Unspecified | Unspecified | Unspecified | Final results have not been published yet. |
Smile | Sánchez, O, Méndez , FX. & Garber., J., (2009) [25] | Adolescents | Spain | 4 modules/ ACSQCMAS-R; RCQ. |
Unspecified | Unspecified | Final results have not been published yet |
Fortius | Mendez, FX., Espada, JP & Amoros, MO., (2012) [26] | Adolescents | Spain | 12 weekly/ | Unspecified | Unspecified | Results have not been published yet |
How to be adolescent today and not die trying? | Cingolani, J. (2009) [27] | Adolescents from 15 to 18 years old | Argentina | 12 (90 min)/ Control sintomático; resiliencia y bienestar psicológico; satisfacción con la vida. |
N = 70 | 3 and 6 months | Final results have not been published yet |
Notes: Outcome measures as mentioned in the publications: CDI: Children Depression Inventory; EAC: Cuestionario de Autoevaluación autoconcepto; STAIC: State Trait Anxiety Children; S-1: Evaluación de eventos estresantes; CDI-S: Children Depression Inventory Short Form; CES-D: Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression; ATQ-RP: Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire Revised Positive; PANAS: Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale; WBSI: White Bear Suppression Inventory; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory; DISC-IV: The Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory; ACSQ: Adolescent Cognitive Style Questionnaire; RRS: Ruminative Response Scale; SCAS: Spanish version of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale; CA: Cuestionario de Afrontamiento; RCADS: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale; CATS: Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale; SPSI-R: Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised; ECPSE: Escala de Creencias para Padres sobre Salud Emocional; CMAS-R: Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale Revised; RCQ: The Readiness to Change Questionnaire.