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. 2014 May 27;11(6):5665–5683. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110605665

Table 1.

Included prevention studies.

Program Study Target population Country where implemented Sessions/
N Follow up Results
Improvement of self-concept and affective state Mestre, V & Frias, MD (1996) [16] Adolescents. Average age 12.5 years. Spain 17, twice weekly; 30 to 60 min/CDI; EAC; STAIC; S-1. N total = 241; prevention group
N = 125 control group
N = 110
NO Positive effects on proximal variables—self-esteem-particularly in adolescents aged 12 years and older.
Coping with emotional problems in adolescents Olmedo, M., Del Barrio, V. & Santed, MA (2003) [17] Adolescents between12 to 16 years old Spain 18 weekly/
CDI-S; STAIC; Academic performance.
N = 121 Pretest and posttest Differential effectiveness of the program for adolescents with academics problems. The group with academic problems showed more pronounced changes in depression scores
LISA PD Gomez, Y., Restrepo, V. & Jiménez, JC (2004) [18] Adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years old (7th grade) Colombia 9 weekly/
N = 147 Pretest and posttest The differences between control and treatment group were only marginally significant.
EDUPEC Gómez, Y., López, P. & Jiménez, G. (2010) [19] Adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years old (8th Grade) Colombia 6 weekly/
Experimental group
N = 107; control group
N = 83
Pretest and posttest They found statistically significant differences between groups only for negative thoughts.
Emotional wellbeing workshop for teens Cova, F., Rincón, P. & Melipillán, R. (2011) [20] Female adolescents Chile 11 (90 min)/
BDI-II; DISC-IV; BAI; BAI; ACSQ; RRS; Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.
Experimental group
N = 119; control group
N = 118
Pretest and posttest The program did not show effects in any of the two modalities. The indicated modality obtained more satisfaction with participation.
FRIENDS for Life Gallegos, J., Linan- Thompson, S., Stark, K., & Ruvalcaba, N. (2013) [21] Adolescents aged between 8 and 13 years old. Mexico 10 weekly/
N = 103 Pretest and posttest and 6 months later. The program showed a positive effect it reduced symptoms and risk factors of depression. As well, it increased proactive coping skills.
I think, I feel, I act Araya, R., Fritsch, R., Spears, M., Rojas, G., Martinez, V., Barroilhet, S., Vöhringer, P., Gunnell, D., Stallard, P., Guajardo, V., Gaete, J., Noble, S. & Montgomery, A. (2013) [22] Adolescents with an average age of 14.5 Chile 12 sessions
N = 2500 Pretest and posttest Follow up: 3 and 12 months. No evidence of clinically differences in depression scores between the groups.
Psycho-education for parents aimed at preventing affective problems. Barcelata, BE., & Gómez, E., (2006) [23] Parents Mexico 6 (120 min)/
N = 67 Pretest and Posttest The preliminary study yielded results showing statistically significant differences between pre and post treatment
EMAS: Strategies to maintain positive mood. Saez, E., Bonilla, K., Galloza, A. & López, C, (2009) [24] Adolescents Puerto Rico Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Final results have not been published yet.
Smile Sánchez, O, Méndez , FX. & Garber., J., (2009) [25] Adolescents Spain 4 modules/
Unspecified Unspecified Final results have not been published yet
Fortius Mendez, FX., Espada, JP & Amoros, MO., (2012) [26] Adolescents Spain 12 weekly/ Unspecified Unspecified Results have not been published yet
How to be adolescent today and not die trying? Cingolani, J. (2009) [27] Adolescents from 15 to 18 years old Argentina 12 (90 min)/
Control sintomático; resiliencia y bienestar psicológico; satisfacción con la vida.
N = 70 3 and 6 months Final results have not been published yet

Notes: Outcome measures as mentioned in the publications: CDI: Children Depression Inventory; EAC: Cuestionario de Autoevaluación autoconcepto; STAIC: State Trait Anxiety Children; S-1: Evaluación de eventos estresantes; CDI-S: Children Depression Inventory Short Form; CES-D: Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression; ATQ-RP: Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire Revised Positive; PANAS: Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale; WBSI: White Bear Suppression Inventory; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory; DISC-IV: The Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory; ACSQ: Adolescent Cognitive Style Questionnaire; RRS: Ruminative Response Scale; SCAS: Spanish version of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale; CA: Cuestionario de Afrontamiento; RCADS: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale; CATS: Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale; SPSI-R: Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised; ECPSE: Escala de Creencias para Padres sobre Salud Emocional; CMAS-R: Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale Revised; RCQ: The Readiness to Change Questionnaire.