Figure 1.
Targeted disruption of the 4.1R gene. (a) Targeting vector. Top panel depicts a portion of the normal mouse 4.1R gene. Shown are the exon 2–4 region targeted for deletion and the flanking regions upstream (10-kb Sse837I–BamHI fragment) and downstream (2-kb KpnI–EcoRV fragment) that constitute the long arm and short arm of the targeting vector (middle panel). The lower panel represents the structure of the correctly targeted 4.1R gene in which the β-geo cassette has replaced exons 2–4. The targeted 4.1R gene retains the putative upstream promoter and all sequences downstream of exon 5. The intron probe adjacent to exon 5 hybridized to a 16-kb BamHI band in the normal gene and a 10-kb band in the targeted gene. (b) Southern blot showing a successful targeting event in ES cells. In lane 1, control ES cell DNA shows the normal 16-kb BamHI band detected with the intron 4 probe; in lane 2, targeted cell DNA shows the normal 16-kb band and the targeted 10-kb band. ES, embryonic stem.