a, Flow cytometry analysis showing electronic gating strategy used
to distinguish annexin Vhigh, 7-AADlow subcellular
particles generated from primary mouse thymocytes induced to undergo apoptosis
via dexamethasone treatment. Subcellular apoptotic particles with high
complexity (SSC high) or low complexity (SSC low) are gated as shown.
b, Flow cytometry analysis showing electronic gating strategy
used to distinguish different subsets of apoptotic cell-derived particles
generated in the thymus of mice injected intraperitoneally with dexamethasone (6
h). Annexin Vhigh, 7-AADlow,
CD4/CD8intermediate particles were initially selected and
subsequently gated based on forward scatter (FSC, indicative of cell size).
Apoptotic particles of interest (as indicated) are therefore defined as Annexin
Vhigh, 7-AADlow, CD4/CD8intermediate and