Fig. 1.
Temporal profile of the increase in blood pressure and heart rate in the Goldblatt model (2K-1C, n = 6/CT, n = 6). [A] Summary of systolic blood pressure (SBP), [B] mean blood pressure (MBP) and [C] diastolic blood pressure (DBP) recorded by radiotelemetry for 42 days. [D] Temporal profile of changes over 42 days in heart rate (HR). Day averages ± SEM are plotted (each point is the mean of 24 recordings, one for each hour). These results showed that the blood pressure increased gradually from 13 days and rose significantly for day 35 reaching a plateau at day 42 in hypertensive animals. *Significantly different (P < 0.05) from CT. †(P < 0.05) within-group difference relative to control levels.