Illustrative motivating example. The 10 gamble pairs are the Cash II stimulus set of Regenwetter et al. (2010, 2011a). KT-V4 denotes a specific theoretical prediction made by Kahneman and Tversky's Cumulative Prospect Theory. HDM is an illustrative hypothetical decision maker, and DM1 and DM13 are Participants 1 and 13 in Regenwetter et al. (2010, 2011a). The right three columns show the frequencies, out of 20 repetitions, and corresponding percentages, that each decision maker chose the cash lottery coded as Gamble 1. Frequencies where the modal choice is consistent with KT-V4 are marked in
typewriter style, cases where the modal choice is inconsistent with KT-V4 are underlined, unmarked choice frequencies are exactly at the 50% boundary. Significant violations (α = 0.05) are marked in bold font.