Figure 2.
gl2-5 hdg11-1 Double Mutants Display an Enhanced Trichome Differentiation Defect.
(A) to (D) Rosettes from 3-week-old Arabidopsis plants.
(A) and (B) Col wild-type (A) and hdg11-1 (B) plants display trichomes covering leaf surfaces.
(C) and (D) gl2-5 plants appear mostly glabrous except for trichomes at the leaf margins (arrows) (C), while in comparison, gl2-5 hdg11-1 double mutants display an enhanced glabrous phenotype (D).
(E) to (L) Scanning electron micrographs of leaves ([E] to [H]) and leaf margins ([I] to [L]) reveal detailed trichome morphologies.
(E) and (I) Col wild-type trichomes exhibit three to four branches.
(F) and (J) hdg11-1 leaves show five or more branches for some trichomes (arrows).
(G) and (K) gl2-5 trichomes are small and undifferentiated except at leaf margins, where branching (arrow) is observed.
(H) and (L) gl2-5 hdg11-1 double mutants exhibit smaller undifferentiated trichomes at leaf margins.
(M) to (T) First leaves ([M] to [P]) and detailed edges of first leaves ([Q] to [T]).
(M) and (Q) Col wild-type trichomes have three to four branches.
(N) and (R) hdg11-1 mutants exhibit ectopic trichome branching (arrows).
(O) and (S) gl2-5 mutants display undifferentiated trichomes except at leaf edges, where some trichomes display branching (arrows).
(P) and (T) gl2-5 hdg11-1 double mutants have undifferentiated trichomes throughout the leaf.
(U) Quantification of trichomes and trichome branching on first leaves. For the Col wild type and hdg11-1, green bars show the number of trichomes with three to four branches and yellow bars indicate the number of trichomes with five or more branches. For gl2 and gl2 hdg11, gray bars show the number of unbranched single-spiked trichomes while the red bar indicates branched trichomes. Positive error bars indicate sd for n ≥ 20 plants. Asterisks indicate significant differences in trichome branching (two-tailed t test, P < 0.0001).