Figure 3. Assumptions of the model for collective predator defence.
(A) The relative effect of care on offspring fledging success is the same as for the resource territory model, and is the sum of effects of male and female care. (B) The effect of cooperative predator defence is modelled as a sigmoid function of cumulative investments in the group. The thick green line is the effect if the resident strategy, i.e. the mean level of investment in the group , were to change. The thin black line is the effect of one focal individual in a group of
= 8 changing his investment
in cooperative defence, assuming that the remaining group members follow the resident strategy with
= 0.5. (C) Fitness is the product of the orange and green lines from panels A and B, respectively, and peaks (★) at intermediate values. (
= 0.02;
= 1; other parameters in Table 1).