Figure 5.
Enhancers targeted by high- and low-occupancy binding regions. (A) Heatmap representing gene ontology categories enriched across loci targeted by HOT regions only, COLD regions only, and loci targeted by both HOT and COLD regions. Shading represents −log10(P-value) (Bonferroni corrected). (B) Fraction of S2 cell STARR-seq enhancers that overlap HOT, WARM, and COLD regions. ‘Open’ and ‘closed’ enhancer categories are as characterized by Kvon et al. (2012). (C) Same as B, only for enhancers characterized in the OSC cell line. (D) Fraction of STARR-seq enhancers active in both S2 and OSC cells (Shared), enhancers active only in S2 cells (S2-specific), and enhancers active only in OSC cells (OSC-specific) that overlap with HOT, WARM, and COLD regions. For B–D, comparisons marked with an asterisk represent significant differences (P < 1 × 10−20, χ2 test).